Chapter 6

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Bobby ran downstairs and into the kitchen, he found Havok smirking as Bobby’s cat licked Wolverine’s metal claws while purring.

            “Hey I think your cat thinks Wolverine is a cat.” Pyro laughed as he walked in.

            Wolverine made his claws retract and glared at the cat before walking out of the kitchen. “If anyone comments about my claws again I’ll stab them… and keep that cat away from me.”

            “A wolverine scared by a cat. Priceless.” Havok muttered.

            Bobby glanced at Wolverine nervously and was about to warn Havok about starting a fight in the house but the sound of a door opening and more footsteps coming inside the house.

            “Who are you people?” Madeline, Bobby’s mother exclaimed.

            He ran out to them quickly and saw Rogue was sitting on the couch nervously while his brother was running upstairs out of sight.

            “Bobby, aren’t you supposed to be in school?”

            “Do you know him?” His father asked while glancing at Wolverine and Havok.

            “Uh, that’s professor… Logan and professor Summers. Mom, Dad… there’s something I need to tell you.” Bobby looked at them nervously.

            Madeline motioned for everyone to sit down before going into the kitchen to make tea. They sat there in an awkward silence until Bobby’s father William, broke it to question Wolverine.

            “So what exactly are you professors of, ‘Professor Logan’ and ‘Professor Summers?”

            Wolverine noticed no one knew what to say and paused to think for a second before answering. “Art.”

            Havok sighed before answering. “Science.”

            They went silent again until Madeline came back out and sat beside William, after she sat her tea down on the coffee table and got comfortable she looked at the people around her.

            “You have to understand, we thought we were sending Bobby to a school for the gifted.” Madeline explained. “If he’s been kicked out…”

            “Bobby would never get kicked out!” Rogue looked at Bobby’s mother in shock. “He has a really great gift. You should see what he can do.”

            Bobby froze the tea and his parents looked at him then back at the cup, he looked at the floor as he waited for them to say something, at this point he didn’t care if it was bad or not. At least then he’d know what they thought of him, as their son… or a freak, anything other than the silence that hung over them.

            Madeline put down the frozen tea that she’d been examining and Bobby looked up at her. “We still love you Bobby, it’s just this mutant problem is just a little too-”

            Wolverine interrupted her. “What mutant problem?”

            “…Complicated.” His mom finished while looking sharply at Wolverine.

            “This is a lot to take in.” William spoke up.

            “So I’ve heard.” Havok smirked while glancing at Madeline. “But your reactions are better than some I’ve heard of.”

            Suddenly Bobby’s mom put her head in her hands. “This is all my fault… I’m so sorry Bobby.”

            Pyro sat forward. “Actually they discovered it’s the male who carries the mutant gene and passes it on, so actually it’s his fault.”

            Havok sent him a warning look but no one noticed, instead they all glanced over at Bobby’s father, well everyone but Bobby. He looked back down at the ground as if he was trying to pretend he didn’t exist. The silence was once again broken, this time by police cars stopping in front of the house. Bobby’s brother ran down to them holding a phone and had a guilty look on his face.

            “What have you done?” Bobby asked in horror.

            “I’m sorry.”

            Bobby watched him run back upstairs followed by his parents, Wolverine led them outside where cops were getting out and surrounding the door. His claws came out defensively and the cops held up their guns.

            “Sir put the knives down!” The nearest one yelled.

            “I can’t.”

            “I said put the knives down!”

            “I can’t!”

            Havok tried to shield the students behind him as the cop shot Wolverine in the head; Rogue screamed and kneeled by his head while Pyro took his lighter back from Havok’s jacket pocket. While Havok was busy calming Rogue down Pyro stepped onto the porch and in front of the others.

            “You know those dangerous mutants you hear about on the news? Well I’m one of the worst ones.” Pyro told them before opening the lighting and shooting fire at the cops.

            A police car exploded and landed on another one while the cops tried to get to them. One managed to almost reach him before being blasted away and burned by the fire, Havok took the lighter again before Pyro could do anymore damage and gave him a cold look.

            “Don’t attack them again, you’ll make it worse now follow my lead and maybe we can get out of here.” Havok instructed.

            Wolverine managed to stand back up as his head finished healing, the cops saw him get back up and slowly backed off a bit, the sound of a jet made them run off completely and they watched in shock as Storm landed the jet down in the front yard. Glancing at each other they quickly climbed onto the ramp and were met by Storm, Nightcrawler, and Jean.

            “You got here just in time. How did you know we were here?” Rogue asked.

            “We saw all the cops and the fire ball shoot out. So a lucky guess it was one of us.” Storm replied.

            “Looks like I actually did something right.” Pyro smirked arrogantly.

            Bobby snorted. “Yeah, this time.”  

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