Chapter 7

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They flew in silence as Storm concentrated on flying and getting away from the cops chasing them from the ground.

            “Why don’t you go into camouflage mode?” Wolverine asked.

            “Because as we were leaving the school Stryker shot us out of the sky. We managed to fix the jet so it could fly but Beast is going to have to come back to help us fix that part of it.” Banshee replied.


            “You know if we’re going to save X and the students we’re going to need a plan…” Storm hinted. After no one started talking she continued. “That means think of something!”

            They ignored her and a few hours later most of them were asleep, Storm started to land for the night but Havok walked up to her.

            “I can fly if you want.” He offered.

            “No we should land for the night anyway.” Storm yawned. “Besides you need to sleep too.”

            “I’m not tired.” Havok lied.

            “Oh please everyone else is.”

            Storm landed in a forest but saw a campfire up ahead and made everyone wake up to check it out.

            “If you woke me up just because of some people camping I’m going to claw-” Wolverine was cut off by Storm shushing him and motioned for them to follow her. When they saw who it was she immediately stopped walking, Wolverine took out his claws and saw Magneto slowly look up from the fire.

            “You know Logan it isn’t nice to spy on people. Yes I know it’s you I can feel the metal, why don’t you come out of the trees.”

            Wolverine stepped out slowly along with the others and walked over to the fire. Mystique came out of a tent and joined them, staying close to Magneto but looking at Wolverine and smirking.

            “What are you doing in the middle of the woods?” Wolverine growled.

            “I could ask the same of you.”

            Storm held up a hand to stop Wolverine from replying. “We are looking for X because unlike you, we care about our friends.”

            He let out a laugh before replying. “I hate Stryker as much as you. In fact that’s why I’m out here. Charles and I might be enemies but we would never let the government hurt the other.”

            Wolverine glared at him unconvinced but Rogue and Jean held him back. Havok looked from Magneto to Mystique to gauge their expressions but could only see genuine concern for the Professor’s well being.

            “We can’t trust him…” Wolverine growled.

            “We have to. They can help us.” Storm replied.

            Havok cleared his throat. “Storm’s right, if we’re going to free the others we’ll need as much help as we can get.”

            Wolverine glared at him but eventually looked down. “Fine… but one false move and I’ll kill you.”

            Magneto just smirked and motioned for them to join him by the fire. Nightcrawler went over to Mystique and sat by her, walking by Wolverine and causing him to jump.

            “Who is he?” Wolverine demanded.

            Havok forced himself not to hit him. “Really? Are you seriously that stupid? You met him at the school and were just in a jet with him for who knows how long!”

            Wolverine turned suddenly and pinned Havok to a tree by his throat. “Watch your mouth!”

            “Logan!” Jean shouted. “Stop!”

            Wolverine glared at him but listen to Jean and let him go. Havok fell to the ground and gasped for air while the others watched Wolverine go into an empty tent. He stood back up and went over by the fire, acting like he just hadn’t been attacked by his own teammate.

            “Are you okay?” Mystique asked.

            He watched the flames and thought over her question. “Yes… no.”

            “Do you need me to get the first aid kit?”

            “No… my throat’s fine. It’s Paiton… she’s having my child and now Stryker has her! Who knows what he might be doing to her, or the other students!”

            “Do you want to talk about it?”

            Havok looked over at her and glared. “No. I’m fine, you don’t deserve to know anything else after betraying us for Magneto.”

            Mystique gave him a hurt look but got up, he watched as she walked over to Wolverine’s tent. Secretly he hoped that Wolverine would stab her like went they were at the Statue of Liberty, unfortunately she came out a few minutes later just fine. As the others slowly made their way to the jet or to the spare tents, Havok stayed by the dying fire. He knew if he slept the nightmares would take him, staying awake was his only option; he would avoid sleep until he knew his family was safe. 

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