Chapter 8

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Storm woke up the next morning and walked out of the tent she was in, immediately she saw Havok sitting by the remains of the fire looking at something on his phone.

            “When did you get up?” She asked causing him to jump.

            “Wha… oh, um… a few minutes ago.” Havok lied. “Did I wake you up?”

            “No. But you can help me wake up the others we’re going to attack Stryker’s base today.”

            Havok nodded but didn’t turn to face her. “I’ll get the jet ready.”

            Storm watched him leave and walk back to the jet, she tried to figure out what he was hiding but decided getting the others up and ready to leave was more important at the moment. She left Wolverine for last, hoping that all the noise of the others getting up and putting the tents away would wake him up instead.

            “Storm an earthquake probably wouldn’t wake him up.” Jean said once everyone else was almost ready.

            “I’m not getting stabbed just because he isn’t a morning person.”

            Jean rolled her eyes but smiled before going over to Wolverine’s tent, she was careful to stay outside but went into his mind and gently prodded his conscious until he was awake. A loud curse came from the tent a few seconds later and Wolverine stuck out his head.

            “What time is it? Can’t I get any sleep around here?” Wolverine growled.

            “We need to move out now.” Mystique told him. “X and his students need to be saved remember?”

            Wolverine gave her his deadliest look and she went to join Magneto who was talking to Pyro. Slowly they all made their way to the jet and sat down, Jean took off and flew off towards Alpine Lake. Havok yawned but tried to hide how tired he really was by avoiding looking at anyone directly. He already had Storm questioning him and didn’t feel like anyone doing it.

            “You look terrible.” Nightcrawler whispered.

            “Shut up.” Havok growled. He never liked Nightcrawler, he looked like Azazel, but lacking sleep made his hatred towards the blue teleporter even worse.

            Nightcrawler ignored the irritated response. “It is about your wife… do not fear we will save her.

            Havok was ready to strangle him. “How do you know? You can’t see the future, she could already be dead!”

            The others glanced over as they continued their whispered conversation but decided it wasn’t important and went back to waiting for the jet to land. Banshee let out a dramatic sigh and leaned his head back against the wall.

            “Can’t we go any faster?” He complained.

            Darwin turned around from the monitor he was looking at. “We’re there in three minutes.”

            Magneto snorted. “Then we have to find a way to get in.”

            “Use me.” Wolverine spoke up. “Stryker is very interested in the special claws he gave me.”

            “No, what if you’re captured?” Rogue exclaimed.

            “Then what do you suggest?”

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