Chapter 10

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Havok watched as Paiton was surrounded by the wave before it froze completely, he gave up struggling and Cyclops stepped away. He didn’t even notice, all he could think of was his wife stepping out of the jet and getting swallowed by the wave. He stayed like that until they got to the mansion, his brother helped him inside and took him to get the wound in his chest looked at but he didn’t even feel as the put the stitches in. Nothing seemed real now, he could see the others comforting him and or staying at a distance incase he lashed out at them.

            “Alex…” Cyclops trailed off as his brother continued to stare off into space. Jay was still clinging to him fast asleep completely unaware of what just happened. 

            “What?” Havok rasped.

            “She died to save all of us. It was her choice.”

            Havok rounded on him in anger. “Why don’t you try losing Jean? Maybe then you’ll know how I feel!”

            “Is that a threat?”

            “Yes.”  Havok glared at him, a crazy glint was in his eye.

            “Brother… don’t do something you’ll regret. Do you really want Jay to grow up without any parents?”

            Havok hesitated and looked down at the small child in his arms. “…We turned out fine.”

            “You were in prison and I can’t control my powers.” Cyclops watched as his brother slowly came to his senses. “We’re having a funeral for her. Come on, we don’t want to keep the others waiting.”

            Havok followed him silently, Jay began to squirm in his arms and woke up, looking down at his son he noticed what Jay looked like for the first time, his eyes were blue just like his but his hair was a dirty blonde. The mixture of Paiton’s hair and his, other than that Jay looked just like any other child. Perhaps that was better, at least then he wouldn’t have a constant reminder of what he lost.

            Xavier watched at Cyclops came out with his brother, the other team members were already there and waiting for them. He saw the anger and hopeless look in Havok’s eyes and didn’t have to read his mind to know how much he missed Chaos. What Havok didn’t know was that she was alive and making her way to Magneto’s camp, he didn’t regret his decision to make her fake her death but he did feel bad about what her ‘death’ had caused Havok.

            “I don’t think he’s taking her death well.” Cyclops told him.

            “Keep an eye on him.”

            “What about Jay? I’m not sure his father is emotionally stable enough to care for him anymore.”

            “Jay will be fine. Havok is stable enough not to hurt his child.”

            Havok took one look at the grave and left, his friends started to go after him but seemed to think better of it and let him leave. A smart move on their part, he didn’t feel like dealing with anyone at that point, and if Jean came near him… Havok smirked as he pictured himself killing her and tried not to let out a laugh. If she came anywhere near him… Cyclops would be losing his soon to be wife. 

So Jean's still alive which means she won't kill Cyclops and Havok is becoming unstable... How do you think this will effect the fight in the next book 'Last Stand'  

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