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the song draws you out of damning misery into the loose confines of confusion, your body becoming upright and trying to follow the voice as if it's the pied piper and you're the one being lured away. 

the sliding door opens without a noise, silent and already unlocked due to being broken for god knows how long. the night air is deathly cold on your skin and goosebumps rise almost immediately as you step outside onto the balcony that barely holds your body. rubbing your hands on your arms, you listen, straining to hear those beautiful notes once more.

and then the song comes back, much more clearer than before and much more intense, your broken feelings swooping with each note, your heart pounding with each word. you can barely feel the chill now, but you know it's seeping into your bones with each stanza.

the urge to go inside is just as great as your urge to stay outside and listen as the singer sings his broken song, voice filled with sadness and despair and matching with how you feel. a song that summarizes your day from start to finish. 

it makes you want to cry even more.

and so you head inside, heart heavy but body leaning against that glass sliding door to hear the faint notes. the song draws to a close but your body yearns for more, almost crying out to listen. 

wrapping a blanket tightly around your shoulders, fresh tears roll down the previous tracks, the salty liquid caressing the curve of your cheeks and kissing the corners of your lips like a lover who actually gives a shit. your lips are pressed down tight to muffle the sound of sobs that threaten to ruin your throat, and you just sit there, heart burning in agony.

is this heartbreak? or is this a cruel punishment for love?

your heart has been shattered against a wall, your bones wishing it was them instead. 

at least the brief song was a spot of solace, the shining of a dim light into a darkness that threatened to overwhelm you.

as you pass out on the floor, tears drying uncomfortably, the static in your head taking on a new form of the stranger's caramel sweet voice.

Aubade | J.J.K FF ✔Where stories live. Discover now