Goblin Town

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The sound of sand falling through openings start filling the cave.

Without a moment's hesitation, I quickly use some of my Dragon magic to hide my sword, quiver, and bow until I am in need of them. They seem to just vanish like the flame on a candle.

"Up!" Thorin demands, sitting up at the same time as I hide my weapons. "Wake up! Wake up!!!"

Suddenly, without warning, the floor opens up and swallows everyone! We fall and slide down until we all land in a pile in a sort of wooden container.

I land right beside Thorin. We look at each other, relieved that the other is alright. But before any word could be spoken, the Company is suddenly descended on by Goblins.

Thorin and I scramble to get as far from them as possible, but in vain. As all the Dwarves are apprehended, Thorin and I are pulled apart, and Bilbo is shoved in front of me.

Instantly, I reach for him, grab his shoulder, and pull him back to me. "Run, Bilbo," I whisper, harshly, in his ear before pushing him down into a crouch.

Just as I thought, the Goblins ignore him and move on. I try to see if he runs, but suddenly four Goblins grab me. Two grab my arms while the other two grab my legs. I squirm and buck, trying to get them off as they pull me forward.

"Get off me!" I shout, kicking at the ones who hold my legs captive.

I manage to kick the ones holding my legs off before they regain hold with an additional two Goblins. This makes it harder to fight them off in this form. I can't shift into my dragon form because I could hurt my companions as well as expose myself. And I can't use my magic because the Dwarves are too close for comfort.

So I stay, reluctantly, in my normal form. As I'm being forced to go through the hollowed out mountain and it's caverns, I start to hear cheers from countless Goblins.

And as we're brought to their king, I hear the sound of metal clanging and other attempts at musical sounds erupt in the area.

"I feel a song. . . Coming on," I hear a slightly snarling voice muse.

I know that voice. . .

"Clap, snap, the black crack! Grip, grab, pinch, and nab! Batter and beat! Make 'em stammer and squeak! Pound pound, FAAAAAARRRRR underground!!
Down, down, down in Goblin Town!"

The Goblins spread out on the walls of the vast cavern and the ones forcing us forward all sing, "Down, down, down in Goblin Town!"

As the Dwarves and I are forced onto a platform, I see the most hideous and enormous Goblin I have ever had the misfortune of seeing, waving a grotesque sceptre with the head of a giant ram at the top as he dances to the sorry excuse for a song.

"With a swish and smack! And a whip and a crack! Everybody talks when they're on my rack! Pound pound, far underground! Down, down, down to Goblin Town!

"Down, down, down to Goblin Town!"

"Hammer and tongs, get out your knockers and gongs! You won't last long on the end of my prongs!

He emphasizes this part by skewering a nearby Goblin with his sceptre, waving it around before flinging it over the heads of our group. The six Goblins throw me to the ground alongside the Dwarves in front of the King. The sudden impact against the wood makes me groan as I push myself to sit up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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