Telling your teammates that you're pregnant

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"Russ!" His mother called up to Russell. "Breakfast is ready!" "Mom, can you give me at least ten minutes? I haven't slept yet," Russell Westbrook groans. "Where's my baby?" Russell's mother asked where he was. "If you don't come out, that tickle monster will get you,"

Russell Westbrook: Okay, okay. Mom, I'm coming.

Russell sighs and pushes the blanket on the side as he went straight to the kitchen. "Let's go eat together baby," Kevin said as he saved Russell's spots. His mother made some breakfast and yet, she decided to invite the teammates over, but Russell was feeling nervous.

Russell Westbrook: Mom, are you sure about this?

Mrs. Westbrook: Yes my dear.

Russell Westbrook: Yeah, but they'll get frustrated.

Mrs. Westbrook: 🙄.

Kevin Durant: Russ? What's wrong?

Russell Westbrook: I'm out of here.

Kevin Durant: Russ? Russ?

Mrs. Westbrook: Baby?

Kevin Durant: Let me talk to Russell Westbrook.

Mrs. Westbrook followed Kevin.

Russell was in Kevin Durant's bedroom at the apartment.

Russell Westbrook: Mom, what the heck? Are you planning to invite the teammates over.

Mrs. Westbrook: Yes, but don't worry about it. If they get mad at you, let me know and I will show them the way.

Russell Westbrook: Mom, you're very silly.

Mrs. Westbrook: That's why I love you though, you and Kevin Durant will get married the day before you give birth.

Russell Westbrook: Right.

Mrs. Westbrook: Let's continue the breakfast for now.

After the breakfast,

He and Kevin Durant went to the practice. Russell Westbrook is practicing three pointers, blocks, layups, dunks and Jumpshots. Once again, Carmelo and Paul George made some appearances and asked how Russell is doing.

Carmelo Anthony: how have you been? I haven't seen you for longtime.

Russell Westbrook: I haven't gone to the practice because I was sick.

Carmelo Anthony: Sick?

Russell Westbrook: Yes.

Carmelo Anthony: Have you been feeling dizzy?

Russell Westbrook: Yes.

Carmelo Anthony: That's a bummer. It happened to me, by the time I was on my fourth month, I barely had it anymore.

Russell Westbrook: I see.

Carmelo had one son and he is married.

Paul George: So what happened?

Russell Westbrook: I'm sorry to say this but...

The rest of the teammates in OKC Thunder would hear what Russell Westbrook would say.

Russell Westbrook: I am...

Paul George: You're what, Russ? Tell me.

Russell Westbrook: I'm sorry to say this, but I'm pregnant.

Paul George: What?

The rest of the teammates became frustrated and disappointed in a funny way.

Paul George: Russ! What the heck? I thought you'd be careful.

Russell Westbrook: What do you mean?

Steven Adams: You guys knew what was going on?

Andre Roberson: Is it true that Russell Westbrook is pregnant?

Steven Adams: Yes.

Andre Roberson: Damn! What happened to our Russell Westbrook?

Kevin Durant: he got pregnant by accident.

Andre Roberson: What by accident?

Russell Westbrook: that's what happens when I'm not using the protection.

Paul George: Gosh! Russ. You're so careless with the birth control plans.

Russell Westbrook: How am I careless?

Terrance Ferguson: Dude! He's pregnant. I'm surprised it happened.

Josh Huestis: So it happened last night?

Russell Westbrook: Yeah.

Josh Huestis: Oh my.

Patrick Patterson: abortion is the thing that you do not support.

Russell Westbrook: yeah because I don't want to kill the human being.

Kevin Durant: I'm very young to be a dad.

Russell Westbrook: And I'm very young to be a mother 😳.

Kevin Durant: Russell Westbrook has doctor's appointment.

Paul George: Oh okay.

Jerami Grant: You had all of us worried Russ, what have you been saying?

Russell Westbrook: I was pregnant, you know what I mean.

Jerami Grant: Yikes.

Steven Adams: nothing to be scared of, Russ. Unplanned pregnancy happens to one of the teenagers.

Russell Westbrook: Right.

Steven Adams: so don't be worried honey.

Russell Westbrook: Thanks.

Steven Adams: Anytime, you and Kevin Durant are off to go. Just get some rest and when you're ready to come back, let me know.

Kevin Durant: We'll do.

Although, Steven Adams was supportive towards KD and Russ.

Paul George: our teammate is pregnant.

Raymond Felton: It just happened Steve.

Steven Adams: Oh quit your worries boys, we understand what Russell is going through, let's keep it that way.

Paul George: Okay, Adams.

The unplanned pregnancy (KD and Russ fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now