Chapter three

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Tony needed to be brave like maia taught him how to be, he was scared he wanted Maia and he wanted to go home, he had gone with his father to one of his expo's to show off his new weapons, it was a success, Howard had sent him to the car so that his driver could take Tony home while Howard enjoyed the party when Tony was grabbed and pushed into the car and knocked unconscious.

When he had come too he was tied up with a bag over his head people were talking around him, they were talking about his father and how he would pay them with weapons to get Tony back, tony already knew his father won't but with how his father was with him in public is whole different story then what he is at home so they wouldn't know that.

The silent had grown when Tony heard his fathers voice, one of his kidnappers had grabbed the bag and pulled it off Tony's head, he blinked at the sudden light in his eyes, the first thing he spotted was his father's glare that he knew all so well it always told him when he was in trouble.

“say hi to daddy stark” one said with a smirk on his face, Tony didn't like him one bit he had a gruel expression that told him that he wouldn't mind using a lot of force to get what he wanted even if it meant hurting innocent people.

Maia had taught him how to read people expressions and what to look out for when he dealt with strangers, it was the first time she had left for work since Tony had met her and he misses her already.

“Now stark if you want to get your kid back you give me exactly what i want and when i want it or your kid is may pay the price for your non-cooperation,” the one of the three said he couldn't tell if he was the leader or just another lanky to do the leaders bidding but he didn't like him.

"No," Howard said with an almost bored expression“ In fact keep him maybe the brat will learn a thing or two about survival” the screen went blank indicating Howard had stopped the call.

Knowing it would be his fathers answer it still hurt to hear, he didn't know what he had done that made his father hate him and no matter what he did he can't get his approval or his love and it hurt that his mother didn't care about him either.

"He thinks we're bluffing, well then lets show them we are not" said the leading kidnapper as he pulled out a knife and handed to one of his men" cut a finger off we will send it in a nice bow covered package" Tony started to struggle as the kidnapper got close but stopped as a blade pierced the guys chest there was no one behind him but Tony recognize the blade which maia no matter when or where she carried it with her, staring down at the blade with shock and horror on his face it only took a blink of an eye for maia to pull out the short sword and swang it again decapitating the kidnapper.

The others two kidnappers twin expressions of shock showed on there faces as they watched there friends head fall and roll on the floor, they were too shocked to notice maia advancing onto them, in a short period of time Maia took care of the other two men in the room before she approached tony shivering in the chair.

He hated to seem weak in front of Maia but he couldn't help being scared “are you okay my little man” she whispered as if not to scare tony anymore then he is, all he could do was nod the amount of blood was making him green“ I'm sorry you had to see that but you were so brave” she brushed his hair out of his face“ your aunt is almost here and then you can go home and have a nice bath, sleep in your bed and play with your toys”.

Maia had never been more afraid in her long life when she had sensed tony was in danger she was busy fighting, Taujulf a nasty blue scaled dragon-like monster with poisonous blood that was terrorising the people of Tugliuq, it would have only taken maia away for a week but she had discovered a giant nest of Taujulf within the underwater world which took her month to clear up before she could go but in the middle of the nest fighting the queen she had sensed her little man was in danger so she did what she had to and left it would take the queen years to restore here nest and maia will come back to deal with it then, she had just made it in time to help her little man before he was hurt the fear on Tony's face broke her heart and pissed her off nobody hurts her little man.

Fast approaching footsteps caught Maia ears thanking the fates that have listened for their fast arrival“your aunt Peggy is here little man, be brave ill be back to you soon i promise” she said before she dissapears.

Silently and concealed she watched as Peggy rushed toward tony untieing him and carefully pulling him into her arms whispering assuring calming words in his ear and caried tony to safety.

Finally having her little man safe maia headed back, she had last thing to take care of before she returned to tony and she didn't want it to take longer then a few hours, she would not be leaving tony's side for while to set up more protection for her little man she needed to make sure he was safer then he ever was before she could not stand him being in the same position he was in just now. 

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