Chapter Four

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Seething with anger Peggy strides towards Anthony's bedroom where she knew Howard and Maria was standing outside arguing, finding out Howard would have purposely left his son in the hands of terrorists made her blood boil she and Howard had been friends for a long time and when he had found out Maria was pregnant he was overjoyed becoming a doting husband, she had no idea what had happened in between 4 or 5 years he had become cold and calculated only caring for his business and finding Steve, Howard had been upset when he had lost Steve but how he treated his son was not like the man she knew.

By the look on Maria's face, Peggy could tell she was ready to tear into Howard which surprises her, Maria hadn't exactly been a good mother, not a bad mother either but still not good one she never really cared for Anthony like a mother should and Peggy didn't think that was right, it is why every time she came she gave Anthony as much attention as she could.

“we coddle him too much maria he needs to learn” she heard Howard say as she was in earshot.

“he's our son Howard, he is only four how can you say that” maria replayed completely outraged.

“that's, exactly why I'm saying it starks, are made of iron, he needs to realise that even if he gets hurt in the process he'll just need to man up and take it” Howard answered frustration clouded his voice “ and I knew Peggy was already on her way there to save him, what would have been the point if I said yes”.

She had heard enough, there were many things that could have gone wrong and she couldn't help but think of what could have happened to Anthony if she didn't get there in time “what if I was too late, a simple okay would have kept him from harm” Peggy added as she walked up behind him.

Being completely sidetracked from their argument they haven't notice Peggy coming towards them“Peggy just listen” Howard started but cut off with twin glares from both women.

“No you listen, Howard, that boy in there, your son and my Godson was kidnapped he was scared to death and then his father who was supposed to love him wouldn't even try and get him back how do you think that would feel like,” Peggy said hoping he would finally understand what his actions did to his son but Howard stark was always a stubborn man.

“Howard Peggy is right, you...” Maria cut off shaking her head“we haven't been good enough parents to Anthony, we only showed him any love in public never in private we ignored him, pretended like he was never here, I know now it was wrong and I'm going to try, are you” Maria asks by the look in her eyes the guilt and sadness Peggy hoped she really meant it and she would keep to her word because if she didn't Peggy don't want to know how Anthony will handle it.

Time Skip<3

Walking down the stairs she thought back to their argument she couldn't believe what Howard said about his son, treating him like he didn't matter and using him for the publicity it made her sick to think she thought he would be a great father, she sighed shaking her head.

A pair of wings caught her eye as she reached the bottom, a flash of guilt went through her at the thought of Anthony tied up and scared with dead kidnappers at his feet she wasn't even going to pretend she didn't know who did it or why they did it she had known maia since she was a teenager and she was always protective of the children she came to meet, Anthony more then anyone, he was her light to guide her through the darkness of her daily life.

Maia was always a sight to see with her curvy body covered in her home planet bodysuit armor, shoulder length brown golden hair, but what really catches a persons eye is the beautiful Crystal wings that graced her back normally Maia hid her wings when she came to Earth only showing them from time to time, but Anthony adored her wings so she never hid them from him.

“You said he would be taken care of, protected and loved” Maia demanded, she could see the anger on her face with the furrowed brows and the thinly pressed lips there wasn't much that made maia angry she have a way of calm when sticky situations presented themselves but Anthony getting hurt seems to be a big Red button for her that should not be pushed.

“I know and back then I thought he would be but with Steve gone and Howard not finding him it upsets him that he can't help his friend when he needs him” she explained but with no help it only made Maia's frown deepen with anger, facing her, she could see the brown in her eyes swirl with universal light.

“Bull, me and you both know he only cared about Rogers as an Achievement to show the world what he had done and to say he made Captain America what he is today”, her voice rising with anger and her fists clenching,“you are more upset then he is by Rogers passing hell you loved the guy but look at you Calm and sensible, trying to save the world like it's nobodies business so don't give me that excuse” Maia snapped.

“I know you hate excuses and I'm sorry I disappointed you that was the last thing I ever wanted to do” she mumbled at the end.

Shoulders sagging Maia sighed taking hold of her hand“oh the little lotus I could never be disappointed at you, sad or angry yes but never disappointed”.

There isn't a lot of people Maia cared about she had a few children as Maia had called them that she had met but she could tell from the first look Tony was all another kind of special for her and she would do anything in her power to protect him,“well there was at least one good thing to come from this, it had opened maria's eyes” she stated staring upstairs where she knew Maria was tucking in Anthony.

“Yes at least he has his mother now, let's just hope her eyes stay open” the signs of sadness displayed on her face briefly before it was gone but she saw and it hurt her heart.

“he always had his mother, all I want to know is why,” she asked stepping towards Maia she never understood the reason, she knew it was important that he was meant to keep safe.

Maia straightened her shoulders and letting go of her hand she righted her clothes,“ you know why I need to go check on tony, please don't let this happen again” she demanded before she disappeared.

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