Part 2

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Terry's pov/

I moved to this place because I was bullied at my school and my mom got a new job. I didn't care that we moved. It's not like I'll miss anyone. As my mom would say "It's a new start and life for."

Terry "I don't want to school."
Mom:" Well you have to and please don't embarrass yourself."
Terry "I won't, I'm really cool and hot so even if I do people will think I'm awesome."
My mother burst into laughter.
Mom:" Yeah sure. I drive you to school let's go."

During the ride, I thought about my old school and didn't realize that I started to cry.
Mom:" Don't worry it will be ok."

With that, I cried until I got to school. I calmed down and went to the office.

Principal:" Oh your here. I'm Amber the principal Welcome to our school. And we'll have two students to help you with your classes."
"Umm ok. Where are they?"
Principal:" Hold on. Let me call them down.
Principal:" Don't worry. It is fine." She calls them down.

I wait for a few minutes and they come down. I was too nervous to lookup

Principal " Here is his schedule and locker combo and the reason you're showing him around is that he just moved here well also after your done just hang out around the school or something goodbye."
???:" Thanks?"
I look up to see a girl at the door and a boy in front of me.
????:" Hey...uh...Terry? I'm Peter. This is y/n."
Y/n:" Come on! Let's look around." With that, she runs out the door.
Peter:" Ugh let's go."
He grabs my hand and we run after her. I can feel my face heat up. We stop at all my classes really fast. I meet all my teachers
Peter:" Here your locker and the combination."

Those two didn't stop talking all the way here. I open my locker and put my stuff in. " Thanks" Peter wraps his arm around me. " No problem." He's hot. I would love to be... No stop. You can't think those thoughts.

Y/n:" You really are a flirt, Peter." She winks at him making him blush. God he so cute.
Peter:" Am not. I'm just... Befriending him. You perv. Come let's just go to the gym."
Y/n:" Yeah!! I can destroy you at basketball."
Peter: " You're on. Come Terry you just hang with us."

This year going interesting


I don't know where this is going but I like making stories Soo yeah.

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