Chapter 3 - Meeting the Guardians

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~12 years later (Jack's POV)~

I was having a snow day with Jamie (Now 10) and his friends when suddenly I saw the Northern lights come across the sky over us. I frowned slightly and walked over to Jamie.

"Sorry, Kiddo. I'm getting called to the North Pole." Jamie nodded to me and gave me a hug as he walked back inside. I smiled and waved as I flew into the air. "Wind, Take me to the North Pole!" After around 5 minutes I landed in the North Pole just as Bunny jumped through his rabbit hole next to me.

"Hey Kangaroo!" I teased as the hole closed over. Bunny shot an icy glare at me as I just smirked.

"Don't, call me Kangaroo, Frostbite!" I was just about to fire a comeback until North butted in.

"You two, we are here on very important business!" Everyone except North looked confused and it was Hope who spoke up this time.

"What is so important that we have to be here?" I watched as Hope walked over to Bunny and cuddled him while Tooth continued to order around her baby fairies and they continuously flew around the room and in and out of all the windows and doors. I was actually starting to get dizzy watching them but I was snapped out of my daze when North spoke.

"Manny is choosing a new Guardian." I'm pretty sure everyone in the room was as shocked as I was. If we needed a new Guardian that obviously meant Pitch was back. I thought we defeated him the first few times, and now he was back again. I watched with the others as the moon shone onto the floor as the crystal rose from the ground. It was cloudy for a few seconds before it showed an image of a young girl with waist length pink and purple hair, wearing a long white dress and what stood out most was that she had angel wings. She was also surrounded by Musical notes and had a Treble clef tattoo on her wrist.

"Who's that?" I asked confused as North walked around the crystal looking at their girl like he was trying to figure out who she was. He suddenly stopped in front of the globe.

"Oh, I know who she is! Her name is Alyssa Rose, she's the Angel of Music." My shock metre went up a bit more after he said the word 'Angel'. It's true though, she was very beautiful and really did look like an angel and I guess the Music notes gave it away that she had something to do with Music.

"So she isn't a spirit?" Hope looked intrigued and confused at the same time. Which was pretty much how I felt right about now, as well. North shook his head.

"No, she is a Mortal Angel Guardian." The whole room filled with gasps from everyone except Sandy who had a large question mark over his head. "She is the Man in the Moons daughter and she has a twin sister." Tooth immediately lit up.

"4 girls, really, wow! Who's her twin?" North looked nervous and uneasy as Alyssa's image was replaced with a same aged girl as Alyssa with waist length black hair, wearing a short lacy black dress with black heels and black crow wings. Everyone in the room knew who that was, but we couldn't believe that she was this Angels twin sister.

"Ivy Hallow!!! SHE'S Alyssa's twin?!?" Bunny immediately yelled out through the Workshop and for once I had to agree with him on this one.

"That can't be right! This new Guardian here is an Angel and she's.... Well she's a devil!" I blurted out as a whole bunch of confused shouts and yells rang out through the room until North yelled as the crystal disappeared into the ground again.

"ENOUGH!!!" Everyone stopped what they were doing. "This isn't important right now, what's important is getting her here before Pitch and Ivy find her. Okay, so who's going to go get her?" I stepped forward as North handed me the sack that the yetis put me in when I first came to the North Pole. "Alright Jack, I'll send you straight to where she is so you can bring her back quickly." I nodded as North mumbled something into the globe and threw it as I jumped through the portal to find this Angel.

A/N ~ Sorry, it's a bit shorter than the other one. For your information, Ivanna Grace is now Ivy Hallow and Alina Grace is now Alyssa Rose. Anyway, I have school, well not school, Mulkadee (A Catholic Music Performance thing, I'm not Catholic though) this week so it may take me a while because I'm in the choir so I'll be busy learning songs. Anyway, hoped you like it, so please keep reading.

Angel of Music // Jack Frost x Reader // RE-WRITING // ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now