Chapter 11 - Shopping Trip (Part 2)

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~(Hope's POV)~

I followed Alyssa as she ran through out Manhattan Mall. I followed her as we walked into many shops and looked around everywhere, she actually looked incredibly happy as she ran in and out of shops. She ran into a shop with many clothes, accessories and shoes as she ran over to the dresses and sorted through them as I caught up to her. She pulled out a long-sleeved wool pink dress with white roses on the left shoulder and showed it to me.

"What about this? Do you like it?" She looked worryingly at me but she relaxed when I nodded and smiled to her.

"Yes, it's beautiful. How about you go try it on?" She looked confused at me. I pointed over to the changing rooms as she walked into them quickly and locked the door. I walked past the shoe section as I saw a pair of white flats with pink rose on the top. It matched her dress but was also opposites to it, as I picked them up I walked over to her changing room and slid them under the door where she was. "Here, try these on, Alyssa."

"Thank you." I heard her faint voice come out from behind the door as I waited a few more seconds before she walked out of the changing room towards me and smiled. "How does it look?" She spoke as she spun around and turned back to me.

"It looks gorgeous. And you know what?" She shook her head at me. "I'll get it for you." She started to speak before I shook my head. "No, I'm going to get it for you. It's the least I can do." She nodded and smiled as she walked back into the changing room. After about 3 minutes she came back out wearing her original clothes as she handed me the dress and shoes as we walked over to the counter.

"Good morning, Miss." I nodded to the counter worker. She had long beautiful brown hair tied into a ponytail, and smiled as I put the dress and shoes in front of her.

"Good Morning." I smiled sweetly as Alyssa stood behind me. "Just these, please." She smiled and scanned them and then placed them in a bag and stood it up in front of me as I got my purse out of the bag.

"$76.50 please." I nodded as I placed a $50 note, a $20 note, a $5 note and 3 50c pieces in front of her as she handed me bag as I turned around and handed it to Alyssa as she nodded and smiled to me. I placed my purse back in my bag and nodded to Alyssa as I turned back to the counter girl.

"Thank you very much." She smiled as Alyssa and I walked out of the shop. Both Alyssa and I went to many other shops and by 5 o'clock that evening we both had around 4 or 5 bags on each arm. We both smiled as we walked out of Manhattan Mall to see the sun setting brightly in the distance, even though it want as bright because of all the lights, it was still incredibly beautiful and I felt like I could stare at it for years.

"Ready to go, Hope?" I turned to see Alyssa smiling at me as she held out a globe towards on the palm of her hand. I nodded as she threw it and we jumped through it.

~(Alyssa's POV)~

Hope and I looked around the North Pole to see the Guardians, Yetis and elves all running around while North yelled something about Hope and I. They didn't even seem to notice that we were standing there until I spoke.

"Are you guys alright? What's going on?" Everyone turned to look at Hope and I as we struggled to hold our bags. Suddenly I was jumped on when Jack leapt in for a hug, and with all the bags, I couldn't hug back.

"Thank goodness, you two are okay. We thought Pitch had got you guys." Hope and I giggled a little as Jack let go of me.

"Whoops." Hope and I said at the same time, but it was Hope who spoke next.

"We're sorry. I took Alyssa out for a little shopping." Bunny was the one who replied with a smart comment.

"A little? It looks like you guys bought the whole place, where did you guys go?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"New York!!!" I replied happily. "But I'll explain later. Could someone please help us with these bags?" Bunny walked over to Hope and helped her as Jack walked over to me to help. Jack took about 3 bags in each hand as we began walking towards my bedroom as I opened the door.

"What have you got in here, Angel?" I laughed.

"Oh, you know, some clothes, dresses, makeup, shoes, accessories, books, stationary and some hair pieces." We placed the bags down in my room next to the bed as we walked back downstairs for dinner. Jack went and sat down and talked to Tooth, Bunny and North as I walked into the kitchen with Hope to cook dinner.

"What are we cooking?" I turned to ask her. She just shrugged.

"I guess we make it up as we go along." We smiled and both started cooking.

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