Chapter 12 - Kidnapping

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~(Alyssa's POV)~

Hope and I didn't really know what we were going to cook for the Guardians tonight so we just winged it. After around half and hour, Hope and I had managed to make a Carbonara pasta with three different flavours of ice-cream for dessert. I watched as Hope went to pick up the pasta but I stopped her.

"No. I'll take it out to you guys. " I smiled and motioned my head out to the others. "Go on. Just promise to save a seat for me." She laughed a little as she walked out to the other Guardians who were smiling, talking and laughing. I picked up the already made ice-cream and placed it in the freezer as I walked back towards the pasta that was steaming on the bench on a black tray. I stopped walking as I heard a voice.

"Hello again, Alyssa." I spun around on my heels to see Pitch and Ivanna standing in the kitchen behind me as I placed the food back on the bench. I screamed as Ivanna ran at me and pushed me against the wall which caused me to go unconscious. Before I passed out, I saw Ivanna's evil eyes glaring at me as the Guardians came running into the kitchen.

~(Jack's POV)~

I laughed with Bunny and North as we waited for Alyssa to bring out the food. I could smell something very sweet coming from the kitchen but I also heard a terrifying and heart wrenching scream come from over there. I bolted out of my chair and ran into the kitchen with the other Guardians just as I saw Alyssa go unconscious with her sister holding her down.

"Pitch!" I screamed as I fired icicles at him. He swiftly dodged them as Ivanna and Alyssa both disappeared from view and Pitch just smiled evilly and I swear I saw a glint of happiness in his eyes.

"I told you I'd get her one day, Jackie boy." His laughter rang out through the kitchen as he turned to sand but I could still hear his voice in my head as I fell to the floor screaming and crying. I'd finally found the one person I loved more than anything in the world and just like that, she was taken away from me.

I felt a soft hand on my shoulder as I turned around to see Hope with tears in her eyes and her hand on my shoulder. I saw her to try and smile but it didn't work and a tear ran down her face. I could tell she was in pain as she tried to comfort me with all her happiness and strength she could. Bunnymund wrapped his arms around her as she let go of my shoulder and buried her face into his chest as everyone cried.

I stood up as I wiped away my tears with my sleeve and faced the Guardians with the bravest look I could muster up from my weak being. I coughed a little as I looked to the Guardians and they turned to me with grief stricken faces and watery eyes as I looked away and towards the food that Hope and Alyssa had made. It seriously looked delicious but I wasn't in the mood for eating anymore. I'd failed The Man in the Moon and Alyssa.

"What do you suppose we do Jack?" I turned to North who was tearful, just as everyone else was. I turned back to them and shrugged.

"We have to find her." Everyone nodded but I was still confused of where Alyssa could be.

"But where is she, Mate?" I turned to Bunny who was still holding Hope tightly, not wanting to lose her as he has just seen that I lost my love. I thought about it for a second but truly there was only one place he, Ivanna and Alyssa could be. I didn't want to go back down there but I knew I needed to.

"She's in Pitch's Lair." Everyone nodded and I saw fear in there eyes. This was the last place anyone who was in their right mind would want to go. It was Hope who had stood up away from Bunny and turned to me with a brave look on her face.

"Let's go then."

A/N ~ I'm really want to end this as quickly as I can because I have this AMAZING idea for another Hunger Games, but don't worry, I haven't forgot about the other one but I feel that this next one may be better, so I may not continue it for a while. I'll give you a hint, it will NOT have two people make it out alive in the next Hunger Games, BUT there will be some sort of love story in it. That's all I'll say for now. :P I'm sorry but there may only be about 3 or 4 chapters left on this story. And I may do an Epilogue. MAYBE! For now, I'd like to thank you all for reading AND I encourage you to continue reading.

Angel of Music // Jack Frost x Reader // RE-WRITING // ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now