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(Above is the main character, Lia)

"You know that I'm going to that concert so why would you even make these plans," I huff. "That dudes fucking goofy. You really wanna spend three hours watching a dumbass jumping around onstage, mumbling into a mic?" I start to walk away. "Lia where do you think you're going, don't walk away from me like that." Kyler walked behind me faster. "I said come ba-" "Don't touch me. You may think what I listen to is shit, and that's okay. But don't insult my idol in front of me. He's helped me so much lyrically and he's a good person."

Kyler laughed. "Are we really arguing over a dumbass rapper?" "That 'dumbass rapper' will and already has, achieved more than you ever will." I walked into my house and stomped to my bedroom. I'm twenty, but yes, I'll stomp to room if I want to. I'm Lia and I live in San Francisco, California. What you've just envisioned was my annoying boyfriend Kyler and I getting into it. Now, let me just let you guys know one thing, I love this artist. He's called, "Lil Xan," or he'll also be known as, "Diego," being his real name.

I got tickets to see him for tomorrow night and I'm really excited. I've been into his music for a long time and now I finally get to see him live and it's honestly an amazing feeling. Kyler doesn't like what music I listen to and he always gives me such shit for it. Kyler doesn't know one thing about me, though. I don't think I'll ever tell him because of the way he's been acting. I have a condition called, Seasonal Affective Disorder. Basically, I get sad feelings or just really depressed in a certain time around the year. Right now it's fall, and the temperature is dropping, leaves are falling. For some reason, it messes with me really bad. This concert is gonna be the highlight of this time of year for me. Kyler doesn't get it.

Diego's birthday is tomorrow. I heard that he's having his friend Steven give out VIP backstage passes for the first ten people in line. That's why, I'm leaving at four in the morning...call extra, honestly I don't care at this point. I really want to meet him and tell him thank you for all that he's done. These two seasons, fall and winter, would probably be almost impossible to get through if it wasn't for his music and quirky ass attitude I love. Outside of S.A.D, I have overall natural depression and anxiety. So, this concert will seriously be a boost for me, and I can't wait. 

————————     IN THE CAR    ————————

"Have a nice night," I said to the drive thru worker. I had to get something to eat before I camp out here for the next ten hours. Actually, I bought four meals because you never know if the people around came prepared or not. I also grabbed my wireless charger so my phone will stay charged all day. I've planned this out about two months ago, so I know exactly what I'm doing. My 'blanket' is this long jacket I wore because I didn't wanna carry a blanket through out the whole concert.

After I left the food place, I was five minutes away from the venue. "I'm definitely gonna meet him," I whispered to myself. As I pulled into the parking lot, I had only seen four people outside. "Hell yeah," I shouted quietly. I grabbed my essentials and went to the line. "Hey," a girl in front of me said. "Hey." She came over to me. "I really don't wanna sound rude, but I smell food in that bag. I've been here since two and I was wondering-" "Yes of course," I said while I handed her a meal.

"You didn't have to give me the whole thing, girl. That's too nice of you." I smiled. "I brought extra for he people that needed to eat out here. It's no worries at all trust me." She smiled and began to eat. "So, what's your name," I asked. She set down the food. "I'm Jailey, how about you?" "Lia." We both smiled at each other. "It's really nice to meet you. So, how fucking excited are you," she squeeled. Someone in front of us shooshed us. I whispered. "Super fucking excited. I've been waiting so long for this, it's hard to believe that it's finally happening." She nodded. "Me too. This is probably gonna be the highlight of my year." I nod back.

Me and Jailey talked so long, it was about seven thirty when we finally decided it was time to get some rest. I laid my big jacket onto the cement and bundled up. "This is gonna be great," I whispered to myself before I closed my eyes.

————————            12 o'clock            ———————-

"Lia, Lia," I hear. I opened up my eyes to see Jailey staring down at me. "His bus is here. They came here early to give out the passes sooner," she said happily. I shot right up off of the ground. I saw the huge tour bus and my heart started to pound. "Holy shit, just think about it. He's inside that bus right now." I became so excited when the doors of the bus flew open. "Steven," Jailey said. Steven Cannon is Diego's best friend. Technically, he's kind of like a brother to him too. I was a fan of Stevens's too. He makes some good ass music and Diego's even been featured on it. Steven waved to the lines direction. There was about forty of us now, but only the top ten were getting the passes. Luckily, I was number five.

"Hey y'all, you ready for tonight!" Steven shouted as he ran up to the line. All of us chanted  and shouted. "Top ten, y'all ready to meet Diego tonight?" I shouted along with the rest of the nine people. "Well, here in my hand, I have your entry passes for backstage. I'll hand these out to y'all in just a sec-" "Allow me," I heard from the bus. I look over my shoulder and there he was. Diego.

when the seasons change // lil xan Where stories live. Discover now