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"Jailey, is this actually happening right now?" We both kept looking over. "Dude he's coming closer what do we do," she squeeled. "Uh..." I fixed my hair as best as I could and put Jailey's hair over her shoulders. "Perfect, we look perfect." "Yeah but so does he," she said. Diego was wearing this white T-shirt with a dark beanie. He also had his grills in which made everything come together. "Hey guys, how are you?" I've never heard such a little crowd scream so loud before.

He came even closer to the line. "As you may know, it is my birthday. I wanted to give these to you for the spirit." He took the passes from Steven and handed them out. When he got to me, I nearly froze. He came a little closer to me. "See you backstage, alright?" I nodded and he gave me a wink. Jailey's jaw dropped. "What was that all about," she asked surprised. "I have no idea, but that was amazing," I replied. I heard my phone buzz off and I took it out of my pocket. "Fucking Kyler," I say rolling my eyes. "Kyler? Is he gonna ruin the fun," Diego says, coming back to me. "Let me take care of this." Diego grabbed my phone from me. "Dieg-" "Hi is this Kyler?" Fuck.

He paused for a second. "Aye buddy chill, chill. Listen, I'm Diego, your girl will be taken care of. She's here for my concert alright?" There was anothe pause. "I am Little Xan, Diego's my real name." I looked over to Jailey. "Kyler's gonna fucking kill me when I get back," I whisper. "Is that your boyfriend," she asks. I nodded slowly. "Alright well you have a good one." He hung up the phone and gave it back to me. "Damn, crashing plans to come and see me? You a goat." I giggled and nodded. "Well it was great to see y'all!" He looked back to me and smiled. "See you in a few hours!" Everyone waved 'bye' and shouted 'happy birthday' to him as he went back to the bus.

"From all the videos I've seen, I have never seen him be so genuine to a fan. I think he likes you." I immediately burst out laughing. "That's fucking hilarious," I said. "Well he obviously likes to be around you, that's for sure." I smiled. There's no way that someone like Diego could like me. I mean, for one we just met and he doesn't even know my name. Two, I think he's just being goofy. That's why I like him after all, besides his music. Three, that's such a small possibility I mean, come on.

Me and Jailey talked and messed around for a couple hours. The concert would be in forty five minutes, so I took out my small compact mirror and filled in my brows and put mascara on. "Last but not least, a girl needs her lipstick," I laugh to Jailey. "You right." We sat there for about twenty more minutes until Steven came out again. "VIP's, please follow me." We all followed behind Steven as we entered the back doors to the venue. "I'm so excited for this whole night," I said to Jailey. "Same here, this is gonna be so much fun."

When we walked in, Diego and his friends Diablo, Joe, and Ethan were backstage too. "Dude I love them all," Jailey says. "Besides Diego, who's your favorite?" She tapped her chin. "Definitely Diablo. I love Diablo." I laughed. "Alright everyone we're gonna get started. Well have two people go up at a time and take a picture with all of us and Diego. Who's ready," Diablo announced. The ten of screamed with excitement. "Let's get to it!" "Question, could three go up at a time? We came here together," The first girl asked. "Yes of course, it'll help speed up the process, too," Steven replied. "Hey, that means we can go up together." I smiled. "Sweet."

The three girls went up and took their picture and we went up right after. "Good to see you again," Diego whispered. For a thought, I kinda wanted to have fun with this. "You too," I whispered back with a smile. "Alright love birds," Jailey said laughing. "It's cute though," I heard Diablo whisper to her. "Kinda wish I had something similar to that." I winked at Jailey. "Already three...two...one!" The picture was snapped and me and Jailey turned to each other. "It was nice seeing you again," I say waking away. "Hold up," Diego said. He came over to me. "You don't wanna lug this jacket around. Just come back later after the concert. I'll give it back to you, don't worry." What is he doing?

"Alright, sure. Do I need another pass?" He shook his head. "I'll tell them...wait what's your name?" I smiled. "Lia." He smiled. "I'll tell them Lia, with the beautiful smile needs to get her jacket." I started to blush. "See you later then," I say. "Wait!" I started to laugh. "You got front row?" I nodded. "Great. I'll see you soon, Lia." I turned away and looked at Jailey. "I think Diego is starting to like me. You were right." She gasped. "What did he say to you," she asked eagerly. "Whatever is was, it sure as hell made those girls back there jealous as fuck." I turned around. All I seen were all these girls glaring at me and giving me looks. "True that."

We both started to laugh. "Seriously though, what did he say?" I smile. "He took the jacket and told me to come back and get it. He said he'd tell the guards that, 'Lia with the beautiful smile' would come and pick it up. Then he asked if I had front row and I said yes." "Ooh! He definitely likes you. Also, I got front row too! We can watch it together!" We high fived. "We were definitely meant to be friends," I said. "Um, hell yeah we were."

Me and Jailey went into the venue stage entry and got to our places. Once again, we both talked up a storm until the lights went low, and the crowd started cheering. Diego came out with Steven and started to jump around. He started the night off with 'Wake Up' which, by the way, is a major fucking banger. "Alright alright who's ready to have some fucking fun!" Steven shouted. I was mainly focused on Diego though, not gonna lie. Kyler is definitely gonna kill me. I didn't really care in the moment, though.

"I bet Diego's gonna do something with you in front of everyone. Pull you up onstage, or something!" Jailey shouted to me over the bass. "This is, 'Moonlight!'" "I wish," I shouted back. He was rapping the song until he came in front of our section. He seen me and knelt down. He took my hand and continued on. "It don't mean shit if you ain't happy though." I had the biggest smile on my face. He winked and walked away to the next section. "Dude holy fuck!" Jailey laughed. "Did you get that on video?" I nodded my head. This night was already amazing as fuck.

I wonder if there's more to come once I, 'grab my jacket' backstage.

when the seasons change // lil xan Where stories live. Discover now