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"Lia! Open the door!" I heard a voice call. I sleepily got out of bed and went to look in the peephole. "Lia, come on!" Kyler. He seemed really mad and I didn't want any part of it. "I know you're home, your car is parked outside." Damn it. I checked my phone to see the time. It was already nine thirty, and I had twelve missed calls from Kyler, two from Diego plus a text. I slowly backed away from the door and peeped through a window blind and watched him. He finally left after ten minutes. It was actually kinda scary to be honest.

My phone started ringing again, but I knew it was Kyler. I rolled my eyes and played the voicemail he left afterwards. "Lia, we're done. You're fucking around with rappers, ignoring me, and ditching plans? I'm not gonna sit with that shit anymore. Oh, and thanks for not answering the door by the way, pussy." My mouth dropped. "Is he fucking serious," I said out loud. I went back to my room and started to cry. It's always my fault when it comes to him. He thinks he's so perfect and he doesn't do anything for once. It's so fucked up that he puts me through this. Now I'm feeling guilty for a problem I didn't even cause. I looked back at my phone again. I still had the text message from Diego to read.

diego 💔😊: waaaaake up!!! i'll pick you up around 11 if you text me your address. all you gotta do is snag jailey and i'll be there to pick you both up. 😁

As much as I needed this, all my emotions started caving in. I sighed and looked down. "But this'll probably be the last time I see Diego for a while," I say. I looked at the clock and it was already nine forty five. "Fuck it." I just decided to get ready and look my best but for one the last times we'll be with each other. I also texted Jailey that I was coming around ten thirty. Then I dialed Diego and called him back. "Hello," he said. "Hey, I'm about to grab Jailey," I say. "Alright, cool. Hey, are you okay? You sound stuffy." Yeah, from crying. "I'm probably getting a cold but, don't worry I'll keep my distance," I said convincingly. He laughed. "Yeah, wouldn't want your boyfriend to pissed. How'd it go with him by the way?"

I sighed. I tried to hold back my tears as best as I could but my voice started to shake and it started to come out. "We...he broke up with me." I heard Diego sighing. "Is it because of me?" "Kinda...it's not your fault though it's just about you. He thought I was messing around with you." "So, you were being truthful with him and he wanted to turn things around? That's messed up." I nodded. "Yeah, I know but-" "Uh uh, no buts. Listen, we're all gonna have extra fun today, alright," he said happily. I started to chuckle. "See there's Lia!" "Thanks Diego," I said smiling through the phone. "No problem. Go get Jailey, and I'll see you soon alright? Stay happy."

We hung up and I grabbed my keys and walked out to my car. "I'm on my way to get you," I tell my text speech. I sent the text to Jailey and went on. As much I'm looking forward to this day, I can just cry so bad right now, I feel really upset. I'll try my best not to think about it when I'm around the guys and Jailey. It's just really hard to think that I'm the one to blame for this whole break up. At least I have that extra weight off my shoulders even though I was contemplating letting Kyler go last night. Diego was actually right though. He wasn't good for me, as much as it kills me to say it.

I will do whatever I can to have fun today because, I honestly deserve it. I was almost to Jailey's house and that meant the fun times were coming sooner. I'm glad that her and Diablo hit it off, because before hand, she explained that she liked him very much. As I arrived to her house, she was already standing outside waiting for me. "Hey girl," she said as she got into the car. "Hey, so you will never believe what just happened between me and Kyler," I say as I back out of her driveway. "Are you guys alright?" I shook my head no. "He broke up with me because I was, 'fucking around with rappers and ditching plans' and all that shit." Jailey gasped.

"I know that boy did not say that shit to you." "It was a voice mail. He showed up at my house this morning but I didn't answer the door and after that he sent it to me. The more that I think of it, I'm more pissed off than I am sad. Everything is my fault when it comes to Kyler." "Lia," Jailey began. "I know it's hard for you, but he didn't really sound like a good guy in the beginning. Maybe it's a good thing that he's gone now." I nodded. "That's what Diego said." "You told him about it?" she asked. "Yeah but, we were talking about how pissed Kyler would be today on the phone last night. He kind of upset me because I was still sort of 'heart eyes' for Kyler."

"You don't really feel that way anymore, do you?" I sighed. "I mean, yes but no. We've been through a lot these past couple of years but it's those moments that stick with you and make feelings stronger. It's gonna be hard for me, I know that for sure." Jailey nodded along. "I completely get what you're saying. I actually went through the same thing with my ex Xavier. I got over it though, and soon you will too. Why don't you try and get to know Diego a little bit more?" I mean, she's right. "I mean, yes I'd really love to. It's just gonna be hard when he's on tour and I'll be here." "What if he'd take you with?" I laughed. "He's already got Steven, Diablo, Joe, and Ethan all in that one bus with him. Adding me, especially adding me, a girl, probably wouldn't work."

"Long distance? I'd do that with Diablo if anything started between us," Jailey said. We were almost to my house after the left turn up the block. "It's just not the same, you know? I think it could work, but it wouldn't feel as special to me." Jailey nods. "You're most likely right with that one." We pulled into my driveway and both got out of the car. "I'll think about it though, but first, let's working getting him close to me."

when the seasons change // lil xan Where stories live. Discover now