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"I look fine right?" I asked. Jailey turned to me. "Yes, of course you do girl. Don't be worried, Diego will be all on you." I laughed. "Hopefully." I stayed silent for a minute and then I spoke once again. "Okay, this may sound weird, but you know how some girls kinda change up their look a little bit after a break up?" She nodded. "I've kinda been sick of brownish hair. I sort of want black hair, and now I don't have to be scared of Kyler not liking it." Jailey smiles. "We should go to the salon with the guys." I gasped. "I just realized, now I gotta worry about what Diego will think," I say as I sighed.

"Girl, you know damn well Diego will still think you're hot." I laughed as she continued on. "Besides, Diego has black hair. You guys can be like that one cute matching couple." I made a face. "That part kinda sounds weird to be honest. You are right about his hair though. Maybe he'll think it's a good idea." I heard a knock on the door and looked through the peephole. "Liaaaaa," I heard. Diego and Diablo were at the door. "They're here," I said. I opened up the door and let them in. "Hey," Diego says as he gives me a big hug. I put a smile on my face. "Hey."

"Who is that fine ass girl in your house, Lia?" Diablo says. "I'm Jailey. Also thank you very much," she said flirty. "What are we gonna do," Diego asks as he wrapped his arm around me. "What? I thought you had plans for all of us?" He chuckled. "You see, I did. But, then you told me some very upsetting news and I want to have you pick what we do today. Thought it might cheer you up." I smiled. "Aw, thanks, Diego," I said. "Well actually Lia was talking ab-" "Jailey, I said maybe girl." Diego looked at me. "Maybe what? What did you wanna do?"

I stood there for a slight minute. "Do you think I'd look good with black hair?" His eyes widened. "Yes, what the fuck? I think it'd suit you hella nice. Did you wanna go get it done?" I nodded. "Cool, let's go." I paused them all. "Let me grab my wallet to pay for-" "It's on me," Diego says. "Diego, you don't have to-" "What Lia wants, is what Lia gets." I turned to Jailey. "Just let him do it," she whispered. "Thank you." "No problem at all." He grabbed my hand smiled. "Let's go."

"Uh, you're not driving my car bro," Diablo said. "Fine, me and Lia will go in the back then," Diego replied. Me and Jailey laughed as we all got into the car. "Seat belts kids." "Diablo shut the fuck up," Diego says. Me and Jailey laughed while Diablo rolled his eyes. Diego whispered to me, "How you feeling?" I looked down. "More pissed off than I am sad." He put his arm around me. "Well, at least you got passed the sad part." I chuckled. "Yo, what the fuck what that," Jailey says. We all looked around. "I heard a scream." After that, dozens of screams were heard. "Dude they found us," Diablo says. Diego huffed and rolled his eye. "Great. Now there's gonna be paparazzi." I sighed.

"Might wanna take your arm off of me so people don't think that we're-" "Nah. We could have some fun with this. In fact, Diablo, pull over into that one parking lot." Diablo raised his brows. "Uh, you sure about that man?" "I mean, they're already gonna be chasing us so, let's just give them what they want and meet the fans. Ignore all those other photographers though." He nodded and turned into the parking lot. Diego held my hand and rolled down the window. "Wanna go out there with me?" he asked. I was kinda scared to see everyone's reactions. "What if there's a jealous girl?" He laughed. "Let them be jealous."

"You gonna go out there with me too?" Diablo asked Jailey. She nodded and took his hand. "Alright, let's do this." We all got out of the car and people came rushing up. "Let's make some room okay guys," Diego says. Everyone took a step back and looked at me and Jailey. "Diego, they look pissed at me." He turned to me and looked at my eyes. "It'll be fine, trust me." I looked around and I don't think I've ever seen so many people hold up their phones and take pictures in front of me. "Anyone want to take pictures?" Diablo announced. Even more phones were pulled on and were put on camera mode.

"Shit," I whispered. Diego heard me and looked over. "What's wrong?" I sighed. "They're gonna think we're dating and I don't wanna ruin your reputation or anything." He looked at the crowd. "You ain't gonna ruin my reputation." He looked me up and down. "In fact." He started to lean in closer to my face. He kissed me right in front of everyone around us. "Aw!" I heard from most, some I know were glaring at me. "I know, I know aren't they cute," Diablo chipped in. I cracked a smile and chuckled. "Are you guys dating?" I heard a fan shout. I felt so awkward after that.

"Well, are we?" he whispered. "Diego, we just met, and you back on tour tomorrow, an-" "How about this," he says. "you take today, to get to know me better. If you don't feel anyway for me, we move on and be just friends, and if something clicks, it all depends on your answer. No pressure, I promise." I smiled. "Okay." Diego turned to the fan. "I mean, I hope I can eventually win her heart." Jailey looked at me. She mouthed to me; 'I knew he liked you from the start!' I gave her smile.

"Alright, you wanna go get your hair done now? I'm excited to see it after the change," Diego says. I smiled at him and nodded. "It was great meeting y'all and talking to you! Love you guys!" We all got back into the car and drove on to the hair place. Today, I have a lot of thinking to do.

———————- AFTER THE HAIR AP. ———————

"What else do you wanna do, Lia?" I thought for a second. "Can we just chill for a bit and then grab something to eat later," I suggested. "Of course," Diablo said. "we'll all go back to our hotel and just hang for a while." I nodded. I was kinda tired and I felt a little stressed out. Not because of the Diego situation, but I realized I forgot to take my meds for my anxiety and I needed to just calm down a little. I had my eyes closed the whole ride back from the salon to now. "Lia, are you okay?" Jailey said. I nodded. "Yeah just...tired I guess." Diego put his arm around me again. "You can go to sleep if you want to." I shook my head. 'I'll be okay, thank you though." I opened up my eyes and he was smiling at me. "No problem beautiful."

About a half out later, we got back to the hotel and I instantly climbed into Diego's bed. "Sorry," I said laughing. He smiled and jumped right in. "I'll lay with you. Lia, you can seriously rest if you want though. It's your day, remember?" I sighed. "Alright you got me." He pulled out his phone and took a picture of us. "You know if you post that, people are gonna be questioning you." He laughs. "I mean, a ton of people already think we're a couple, so it won't do much."

You never know, maybe we will be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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