Take a Chance

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She pressed her fingers to her lips.

He kissed her. Twice.

Dao Ming Si with his fancy clothes and deep brown eyes who stood in the rain for hours even though he wasn't sure she was coming. Dao Ming Si who was simultaneously very rude and very thoughtful.

He liked her.

He had been jealous about Thomas, a guy she barely knew, and protective over her once the photos were leaked. He had saved her from those thugs, had come looking for her, and had carefully patched up the cut on her forehead.

She went to sleep feeling a light, almost giddy feeling wash over her as she realized that Dao Ming Si wasn't who she thought he was.

That high in the clouds feeling dropped as soon as she got a knock on her door.

Dao Ming Si waited for her to get ready and then took her somewhere where Mei Zuo and Si Men were already waiting.

When they told her that the person who orchestrated the entire thing was behind that door, her stomach dropped.

She would soon find out who was so cruel to leak those photos (in which she was asleep-she didn't even remember being in that position!), ostracizing her from her friends, making Dao Ming Si mad at her and causing her to be made a fool in front of the entire university.

Hearing her story, hearing how much she had hated her without Shancai even realizing, made her crumble inside.

She kept a brave face on because she wouldn't give the girl the pleasure of seeing her break but once they were outside it was a different story.

Dao Ming Si somehow picked up on it (freakishly perceptive that one) and bade farewell to the others before guiding her to the car.

She held it together inside the car much to her surprise but once she got through the doors of Dao Ming Si's mansion, all the emotions hit her at once and she dropped to the floor, tears streaming down her face.

She had trusted her. She had considered her a friend. Where did she go wrong?

Suddenly she felt arms wrap around her and a feeling of safety wash over her, like it did earlier that day. Dao Ming Si.

He held her without a word as the tears she had been holding back since this entire mess had started gushed down her face in waterfalls and as her silent cries turned into hiccups turned into deep breaths that turned into silence.

Then he silently picked her up (she was surprised how strong he was) and walked to her room.

He put her on the bed and turned around.

She grabbed his coat sleeve at the last minute and told him "Thank you"

She felt exhausted the next morning and quickly muttered a thank you to the chef who brought in the food. She peeked from behind her bangs and saw Dao Ming Si looking at her.

Immediately she blushed and looked down at her plate.

As she left to tidy her stuff and get ready for school, she walked over to him and leaned down and kissed him on the cheek, "thank you for everything"

She walked off, not realizing she left the heir to a multimillion dollar company speechless looking after her.

Minutes later she heard a knocking on the door,

"Hey! Shancai! I'll drive you to school so you can't tell your friends I made you late"

When they got to school, Dao Ming Si pulled her aside.

"Shancai, I need to know. Do you like me or not? Are we dating?"

Shancai looked up at him.

The man who pushed her buttons but made her laugh and looked out for her.

In that moment she knew she wanted to give this a chance.

"Dao Ming Si, I like you too."

Dao Ming Si broke out into a large smile (which made him all the more handsome in her opinion) and stepped closer to her, wrapping his arms around her and leaning down for a kiss.

But he was stopped by her finger on his lips

"Not yet. We aren't dating yet."

His face adorably scrunched in confusion,


"You haven't asked me yet"

With that his expression turned from one of worry and confusion to one of mischief and affection,

"You are a silly girl."

"Dong Shancai will you be my girlfriend?"

"Sure. I would be delighted."

With that, their lips met in the middle and Shancai experienced the best kiss of her life. It seemed like they were both trying to make up for lost time.
When they parted to breathe for air Shancai told him quietly "Can we keep this slow?"

He gave her a kiss on the forehead and told her that as long as he was by her side, he didn't mind going slow.

She gave him a quick kiss in thanks.

Dao Ming Si held his hand out and Shancai interlocked their fingers together as they started walking towards the university.

"Let me take you on a date" Dao Ming Si said looking down at Shancai

"Okay but only after I take you on a date to make up for last time. No elevators I promise! Maybe minigolf?"

As Dao Ming Si looked down at her looking shocked, Shancai laughed to herself and knew that she was going to enjoy the days they had going forward.

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