Trust in Us

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They stood there in the street.

She had found him besides her house as she took probably the longest walk ever.

She was just so conflicted.

The words of Lei ran through her mind and all of the instances that he proved to care for her, to be more than what he appeared to be.

Their first kiss.

How he treated her after she had gotten sick.

The first date that began with him waiting for her in the rain and ended with them stuck in an elevator.

The sinking feeling in her stomach when she lost his trust after the Thomas incident.

Him coming to the rescue and rescuing her from those thugs.

Holding her afterwards as she cried.

Him tending to her wounds and being worried about her.

Him telling her he liked her for the first time.

Their second kiss.

How devastated he looked when he saw Lei kiss her.

How devastated she felt when she heard that he was leaving to London forever.

When he came back and defended her.

Them sleeping peacefully in her room.

How it felt when he held her hand.

Him helping out her parents even though he had no need to.

Kissing him on the cheek.

Getting to know his sister.

Having both their support throughout the competition.

Playing card games on his bed and falling asleep next to him, feeling all of her nerves just fade away.

His beautiful smiles.

Him cheering her on throughout competition day.

Going on the date to the zoo with Xiao Long.

Watching him and a boy a quarter of his size bicker about who gets to hold her hand.

Watching him hoist Xiao Long onto his shoulders and him holding her hand walking back.

Spending New Years in Canada with F4 and Xiao You.

Him saving her life in the snow.

Feeling absolutely warm with his arms around her despite the fact that it was freezing all around them.

Hearing the worry in his voice when he told her to stop doing things that make him worry.

Him giving her a piggyback in the snow the entire way back.

Hearing I love you to the backdrop of fireworks as they rang in the New Year.

Hearing him shout to her that he would chase her to Mars if he had to.

The sheer relief that struck her when he found her during the kidnapping. And the nightmare that followed seeing him get beat up to protect her.

The horrible nightmare she had in which he died and those seconds where it could have been a reality.

Then the happiness that he was alive.

The way he looked at her during his birthday party.

Lei, Xi Men and Mei Zuo's words about how she was the first girl he has ever brought home.

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