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Ah Si had always prided himself on being heartless. His heart died when his father did and being heartless became part of the Dao Ming persona. 

It also ensured that he would never have to feel that type of pain again.

And he was doing just fine, until Dong Shancai  walked into his life.

She then proceeded to find his heart, make it feel like it was beating once more, tattoo her name all over it and then break it into a million pieces over and over again.

He was amazed that having his heart broken again hurt so much. 

Seeing her tears and her handing back the necklace that he designed for her took all those broken pieces and had them stab every inch of his insides. 

He could feel the tears building up in his eyes but refused to let them spill in front of her. 

He took that necklace and proceeded to throw it with all of his might, resolving to move on from her. 

He left her in his wake and walked up the stairs, determined to ignore this girl for the rest of his life. 

But he heard a splashing sound.

He turned around and saw her rush into the pond, bent down, searching for the necklace he threw

Why? Why would she do that if she gave it back to him?

He continued to watch her never stop searching, even as her clothes got more and more soaking wet. 

She suddenly stopped searching and just sat down in the middle of this pond, shoulders shaking.

Seeing that, he rushed down the stairs, broken heart be damned.

He stormed into the pond, feeling the water soak through his clothes, and sat besides her. 

She looked at him tears streaming down her face, "Oh. You want me to leave? I know you didn't want to see me crying anymore. Give me a moment please and then I will ignore you like strangers like you told me to."

He gestured to the necklace clutched in her fingers, "Why? Why did you retrieve it after you gave it back to me? I thought you hated it?"

She looked at it fondly, "Hate it? No. It's my most treasured item. I never let it go ever since you gave it to me. I gave it back because I don't deserve it. Because I've hurt you so much.The thing that never leaves my side though is this," she reached into her pocket and pulled out one of the photos he had taken of the both of them when she stayed the night before the cooking competition and they both had marker all over their faces, "its slightly damp and crinkled but I always have it on me. It helped me cope with missing you."

She took a deep breath before continuing, "I missed you so badly while I was in the fishing village. It felt as if I had ripped out half of my heart and left it with you in Shanghai. To tell you the truth, I never stopped missing you since the moment I stepped outside your door in the rain. I never stopped loving you. While being with you had its rough days, there were so many more happy ones to outweigh them. I wanted to go back  so many times but your mom would never fail to call to tell me what she would do to my family, to my friends, to you if I returned. I couldn't let that happen. I know that I hurt you and I know that you are angry. I deserve that. I am so so sorry. I know that there is little to no chance of you ever forgiving me for this and once I stop crying I will walk out of your life as promised and we can pretend each other never existed but I hope you at least heard what I said and can understand me someday."

She started to lean up and wipe away her eyes before going to stand.

His hand shot out and pulled her into his lap before kissing her deeply. Her hands tugged at the back of his head as she responded just as fiercely, tears running down both of their faces. 

They parted for air and he dropped his head into her neck and she nestled her head into his collarbone as both of them burst out crying. 

Tears streaming down both their faces as they finally unleashed the sadness that had been building up for days in both of them. 

They curled their heads towards one another as the tears started to wane, her thumbs wiping away the tears on his cheeks. 

The necklace had fallen in between them while they were kissing. He grabbed it and carefully put it around her neck once again before placing a soft kiss on her neck,

"This necklace was designed for you and no one else. It belongs only on you. I...I could barely breathe without you. Watching you walk away in the rain was the worst moment of my life. You being away from me told me how much I can't live without you. "

"My home has always been in your arms" she whispered. 

They had many more things to say, to finally say, honestly and truthfully, finally, but then, in that moment, they were content to watch the sunset, entwined in each other's arms, as not only the necklace but his treasure were back where they belong. 

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