All About Us

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She watched as his eyes flickered between being annoyed and being cold.

He was on the phone with another one of his mother's associates as they discussed their upcoming wedding.


She knows. She never would have expected a wedding to come so quickly in her future and her younger self would have never dreamt of being married to him.

But she knew, deep in her heart, that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. So when he spontaneously proposed at sunrise on their rooftop garden, with his normally so confident bright brown eyes looking vulnerably at her, she didn't hesitate to say yes.

Some people may say that it was too soon and they were too young but they had experienced more and overcome more hurdles together already then many do in their lifetime.

They had existed in their own little bubble for a week, never leaving each other's side. They told Lei, Xi Men and Mei Zuo along with Ah Si's sister, Xiao You and her parents. Everybody was overjoyed.

Unfortunately, after about a month, his mother learned through her spies of their engagement and had been pestering Ah Si about their wedding (which they weren't planning on having immediately because they wanted to enjoy each other for a little longer) non stop for the past four weeks. She wanted it to be a large society wedding full of her business colleagues.

Shancai could tell it was draining her fiancé.

So she thought of a plan.

She called Xi Men and Lei and asked if they could use their private jet. She then called everybody else needed in the plan and explained everything. They all were excited and ready to help.

All she needed was to surprise her fiancé.

So one week from the moment she finalized her brilliant master plan, she dragged Ah Si away from his desk on the pretense of having a quick vacation.

They boarded Lei's private plane with all personnel on board having strict instructions to not reveal their destination in any way whatsoever to Ah Si.

Shancai distracted him from trying to figure out where they were going with kisses and endless games of cards before falling asleep in a manner reminiscent of how they slept together during the cooking competition, comfortably entangled with each other. This time, his ring was on her finger and she was very reluctant to let him out of her grasp as he was her happiness.

Once they landed, Shancai blindfolded Ah Si, telling him that it was a surprise.

Once they finally arrived at their location, Shancai took the blindfold off.

Ah Si blinked as he found himself on a beautiful beach with the sun beginning to set in the backdrop.

He saw that his friends, his sister, Mrs. Yu, Shancai's parents and best friend were all there surrounding them.

He looked questioningly at his fiancée.

She grabbed both of his hands and held them tightly in front of her.

"My love, will you marry me?"

He opened his mouth to speak but she kept on talking.

"Here. Right now. In front of our closest friends and family. I know that we are already engaged and your mother's people are busy planning the wedding of the century but that isn't us. I don't care about a fancy dress or a big cake, all I want to do is walk down the aisle and marry you. I want this moment to be all about us, about you and me and our happiness. So will you
marry me?"

His grin was so wide it lit up his entire face. He grabbed her to him and spun her around.

"Yes!" He exclaimed before pressing his lips to hers in a celebratory kiss.

The rest of the world faded away as he kissed his favorite person in the world.

She pushed him away lightly and said with a grin, "Go! Get ready! I can't wait to marry you!"

He didn't remember much about his wedding. He vaguely recalled the perfect weather and the presence of the other important people in his life.

But all of his thoughts were consumed by her. How she looked absolutely beautiful in her wedding gown as she walked barefoot towards him. How she glowed through the sheer joy in her stunning brown eyes and the smile on her face.

They exchanged vows, his eyes never leaving hers the entire time.

As they kissed for the first time and husband and wife, to the sound of the cheers of their loved ones and under a sunset sky streaked with meteors, he knew that he couldn't be more excited for the beginning of the rest of his life besides her. Especially in moments like these where it was only the two of them and their happiness. 

He couldn't wait.

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