Successful Compromises

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They were curled up on the bed talking in the hours before school started. Dao Ming Si had walked her home from work and then spent the night again, this time sleeping in the same bed. The argument was that her bed was big enough to fit Ah Si's ridiculously long legs and she also slept better next to him. Her parents allowed it because they adored him and knew that he would respect her boundaries.

"Ah Si! I can't quit my job at the restaurant just because you want me to!"

"I'm not asking you to for no reason! You are running yourself ragged. You don't pay attention in class and always fall asleep on me during lunch. Your hours end late in the night where it's dangerous for you to be out alone. You don't need the money the same way you used to. Your parents are no longer in debt. You aren't working to your full potential- you are just cutting vegetables. Also you are working with Tian Yue who likes you and still wants to date you even though you're dating me!"

Shancai paused and listened to what Ah Si was saying.

Her voice got quieter, "I understand but I don't want to give up this experience. How am I supposed to help my mom's catering business if I can't compete at that level?"

She felt her boyfriend's hand gently cup the back of her head and bring her closer to him.

"Shancai, you are a really good cook and your food is the best I have ever tasted. I just want you to take care of yourself."

"How about a compromise? Quit the job at the restaurant and instead cook side by side with our chef."


"Really," Ah Si said nodding his head, "He is very fond of you and I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"But there are conditions. This doesn't happen too often so you can focus on school, your other job and taking care of yourself. The nights you cook with him, you stay over at my house so that you aren't coming home late. Third, we have date nights three times a week."

"Three times a week?"

"Yes three times a week, I barely get to spend time with you anymore" He said pouting.

Shancai laughed and leaned in to kiss him,

"Deal. Now let's get going, we're going to be late to school."

Sparks and SmilesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora