:Chapter 12:

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For those who didn't see the comment I left on the last chapter, I didn't go to Montreal this weekend after all. UI had a bad cold and it could have been dangerous to expose my grandfather to it :/

I love this chapter for many reasons and I hope you will too! and thank you to those who left some really nice comments about my grandpa on the last chapter, it truely means a lot to me :') I'm not dedicating this chapter to one person, but to all of you! Enjoy!


:Chapter 12:

We’ve now been travelling for over five months and we were together almost all the time – inseparable really. We had so much to tell each other, stories to share. After a while, the only time I was in my own TARDIS was for sleep. I would spend my days with him, visiting all kinds of places beyond imagination.

Now, telling stories is a good way to get to know someone, but when you’re constantly in danger and facing death, you can learn everything about someone. For instance, Doctor is a very pacific person and would do anything if it meant not resorting to killing and he despises guns. He doesn’t like wine, but he can handle hard liquor – preferably in shots. Lastly, he is unbelievably selfless. He might just be the kindest soul I have ever meant, he would never put himself first.

I finally found him. My new companion. My new best friend. Someone who understands the pain of my past more than anyone. Someone who won’t die of old age. Someone that, if I’m careful enough, could be around forever. I wasn’t about to let him go anytime soon.

I laid on the green couch of my TARDIS my feet resting on the Doctor’s lap. We had a long day of running – as usual – and they were hurting me a lot. He was nice enough to give them a little rub as we discussed paradoxes.

“This one time, this other Time Lord that survived, the Master he was called,” he looked out in front of him not looking at anything in particular and I could tell it was difficult for him to talk about the Master, “Yeah, so the Master, he had stole my TARDIS, but I locked the coordinated. Anyways, he went to London and he made a paradox machine out of my beautiful TARDIS.”

“Oh, the horror!” I exclaimed scandalized. “I think if someone was to do that to my beauty, I’d destroy them on the spot!”

“He did end up dead in the end… but not at my hand, no. Anyways, my poor TARDIS was sick for a bit. I was scared, thinking at the time it was the last TARDIS. Of course, I was wrong,” he said looking around my own TARDIS.

I smiled as I too looked around my lovely TARDIS.

“Oh!” the Doctor suddenly shouted and pushed my feet off of his lap and stood up. “You know how TARDIS’ are made?” he smiled down at me.

I shook my head. I was taught to fly a TARDIS by my father, but I never really got into the science of it all.

“They grow! Like flowers or trees if you like! And how do they grow?” he said, wanting me to catch on.

“Exchange of pollen,” I shrugged.

Then it made sense suddenly. Yes of course! If TARDIS’ were like flowers… All you need is two of them to make more! I jumped up excited about his idea.


“Cool,” the Doctor said in awe as he held in his hands a TARDIS seed made from the reproductive organs of our TARDIS’.

“Plant it!” I said as I dug a small hole in the soil. We weren’t outside though. We were in a room on my TARDIS that I made for it to have earth instead of floor. Ultraviolet lights were hangs in every corner to replace the sun.

The Doctor delicately placed the seed in the hole and softly moved the sand a bit to cover it. I was almost jumping with joy. The Doctor and I were growing a TARDIS!

“How long until it’s a functioning TARDIS?”I questioned. He was the one how knew about these things, not me.

“Oh, give or take a year. But for us, that’s nothing,” he said and gave me a little wink. “This calls for a celebration I think!”

And with that, he took my hand, pulling me back to the control room and with my help – flying was so much easier with two Time Lords – we took off through time and place and landed on an asteroid pub. Asteroid pubs are always good for meeting all kinds of different and mostly pacific aliens. With the bar being on no planet in particular, it’s a sort of social meeting point where all aliens coming in peace are welcome.

We stepped out and walked into the bar, not before stating our race and intentions to the doorman, and sat at the bar. It was interesting to see all the aliens around us. Some I knew, some I didn’t. Purple ones, yellow ones, some with one eye, some with 30 eyes and the list goes on.

The Doctor ordered some drinks and said they were on him. We were getting a little tipsy after an hour.

“Imagine if we can make like hundreds of TARDIS! Fully functional TARDIS’, Artemis! Imagine,” he insisted. “If we can bring back the TARDIS’, what about Time Lords?”

“We would have to reproduce a lot,” I laughed.

“Oh yes, make enough kids so they can get out there, make half Time Lords and eventually, a half Time Lord, half human civilisation! Can you imagine that? Bring back the whole empire!” he laughed along.

“We’ve have to mate like rabbits,” I joked.

I wasn’t really thinking about what I was saying and so was he. We didn’t realize we were talking about having sex with each other a lot, we only had making more Time Lords on our minds.

“Not to mention I don’t think my wife would be all happy about it,” he mentioned.

Then I took a moment to analyze what he just said, but it didn’t make much sense to me. You’d think that in five months, I would have seen or even heard of his supposed wife.

“Wife? What are you talking about?”

“I’m a married man!” he smiled widely and let out a loud woooh!

I woohed with him, laughing hysterically and he ordered another round.

“To your wife whatever her name is!” I laughed, holding my vodka shooter up.

“To River Song, the craziest and most wonderful woman I ever meant in my life!” he cheered and we took our shoots, setting them down hard on the counter and making faces at the awful taste. 


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