:Chapter 28:

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Hey hey! I just want to say thank you so much to all of you, I got 83 votes on the last chapter :O really unexpected but very appreciated ^^ Anyways, Only one more chapter to go! I can't believe it's coming to an end, seems too early :/ But it's also over indeed. I don't want it to end! :(

Now, I really hope you enjoy this chapter and really take the time to savour it, cause there is only one other after this ;) Love yo faces!


:Chapter 28:

I never got a lot of details on River Song's death, but I knew enough like where and what killed her. To save the Doctor from taking his own life, she took his place, plugging herself to the Library's terminal. It was too much and she died. That was all the information I needed for step two which was also the last step. This part was going to be a lot less hard yet I felt at ease. As if... I felt nothing. I was emotionless and my insides felt numb. I set the coordinates in the TARDIS and set it off into the Time Vortex with zero hesitation.

When I opened the door, I was in a closet. My TARDIS was disguised as a water heater. I quietly walked out to find River knocking out the Doctor in a room full of wires. The Library's terminal. She hand-cuffed him to a poll and ran over to the wired to plug herself in.

"Stop," I said, stepping out of the shadows.

She turned towards me in surprise.

"Artemis, what are you doing here? He doesn't even know you yet," she nodded to the Doctor.

"Saving your life. You need to go now. Upstairs, there's a TARDIS disguise as a bookshelf. It's the first one to your right. It's yours, take it and go," I ordered and tossed her the keys.

"Where did you get another TARDIS from?"

"I grew it with the Doctor. Please, we don't have much time for all these questions."

"I'm not letting you die for me," she frowned deeply.

"If you think I'm dying for you, you're insane. I'm doing this for the Doctor. Somewhere, there is a man who is letting everything go because of a broken heart. I'm fixing that. If you want to help him too, leave in the TARDIS, find him and tell him I'm gone forever... He doesn't need to go looking for me," I said, my voice breaking slightly on the last words.

She starred at me for a long time and I felt that time we had left slipping away.

"I won't let you," she finally spoke.

I took out my gun from my bra and pointed it straight at her.

"Leave, River. Let me help him," I ordered again.

"You really love him, don't you?" she said calmly.

"I do."

She walked away from the wires to me and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Thank you... The Doctor would have hated me forever if I simply let you take my place. I'll do as you say, Artie. I'll tell him you were brave."

And she ran off.

Soon after, I hurried to the Doctor and hit him a second time over the head since I could hear his breathing accelerating as if he was going to wake up and I pulled him to the magnetic plate that would bring him up to the Library. He couldn't wake up to find my dead body, the future Doctor would recognize me and everything would be different. I pointed my sonic laser on the plate and it went flying up.

I realized I only had around ten seconds left so I ran to the chair and strapped myself in, plugging the wires to my body. As I sat there with the two big wires in my hands that I had to connect together before the time is up, for the first time since I got there, I felt a great sadness. But I knew I wasn't being selfish...

So before the time ran out, I made the wires touch.


I was... still alive? Yes, I was. But my body was in a terrible pain. I fell out of the seat to the ground and noticed the gold glow around my hands. The shock was only fatal to River because she couldn't regenerate! What are the odds that I survive two sure deaths for the Doctor in a row?!

I managed to stand up and boom! I felt a powerful rush go through my whole body with an amazing feeling of newness. It lasted for a moment and gold dust shoot from everywhere. Then it stopped, but my body was still tingling happily. I breathed in a happy sigh and opened my eyes.

I just regenerated! Thinking I was going to die, I turned into my 6th form. I looked at my hands, they seemed about that same if not a little smaller and had all ten fingers. Legs? Hum, I was a tad shorter, I was now about 5'5". I lifted my shirt to look at my waist to find myself a little too skinny to my liking, the clothes I had on where too big. But I did had larger boobs though which was good. I ran my hands on my face... Higher cheek bones. Eyes less far apart. Full lips. Over all, not ugly at all. I pulled a strand of hair to my eyes to see a sandy blond colour. Cool, I had never been blond before. Guess this means I'll have more fun.

I jumped when I heard that sound of the magnetic plate coming down. Fuck. Before I could do anything, the Doctor was back, searching for River's body. His brown eyes feel on me in confusion. I took a moment to see what he looked like before being the man I loved. He was taller and skinnier with spiky brown hair and there was no bow tie and tweed blazer, but instead a tie and blue suit. I looked down to his feet to find a pair of red converse and I smiled.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm maintenance," I lied. It was hard because his stare was so intense.

"Right, you much have reappeared here when everyone came back," he nodded, taking my lie as truth. "Did you see a curly blond here?"

"No, sir, sorry."

His face seemed grim.

"Thank you anyways..." and he turned around and left.

"Good day," I smiled, trying to act more like someone who would work here.

I sighed deeply. There was nothing left for me to do here so I walked back into the closet to go back in my TARDIS. As I entered new coordinates, I saw my reflection in the screen and noticed what my hands couldn't tell me earlier. My blue eyes turned an amazing shade of purple that looked almost surreal. 

The new me was a lot more feminine, but I promised myself one thing, too stay just as badass.


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