:Chapter 19:

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Hey hey! Sorry the update took so long D: my sister has been really hogging the computer lately -.- And I've been busy as usual :P But I might not be busy on Mondays anymore cause I'm seriously considering quitting improv :/ Something happened Monday and... well, it was a distater. I'm just not sure If I like doing improv anymore. Also had my first fight with my boyfriend yesterday, that sucked. But we have been together for almost 8 months now, it was bound to happen eventually and everything is good now and he's making me dinner Friday ^^

I don't know why I tell you guys my life especially since probably no one ever reads my author's notes... Whatever, I like letting you guys know how things are going. I think of you guys all as my friends ^^ How are you today? :)

I hope you enjoy! Love yo faces :P


:Chapter 19:

It’s now been a while since Amy died. He didn’t say much about the circumstances of Amy’s death. All I did was comfort the Doctor and hope he’d go back to normal eventually. And eventually, he did. Not completely, he was still grieving, but he was no longer so depressive and he was able to laugh and make jokes himself after two months.

It was with a smile I left my bed room after a long night’s sleep to find the Doctor at the controls of my TARDIS was a great big grin on his face. His smile made me smile wider because seeing him happy just made me so much happier.

“You look like you’ve got something good to say,” I commented as I joined him at the controls. “Are you giving me my guns back?”

Little did he know while he was gone with Amy and Rory for a while, I equipped myself with a very small gun I kept hidden in my bra.

“Yes, I do and no I’m not,” he answered both questions, still grinning like a fool. “You are meeting my wife today!”

My smile faded, but I was a good actress. I quickly took a surprised look and forced myself to put on a bigger smile than before.

“That’s awesome! I can’t wait to meet River,” I lied. “So, hum, where are we meeting her?”

He tossed me his psychic paper.

“At those coordinates.”

I looked at the paper to see River’s message written under a bunch of place coordinates.


Why don’t you stop by?


While the Doctor wasn’t looking, I rolled my eyes in disgust.

“Sweetie? Really?”

“That has always been what she called me. Anyways, I don’t complain,” he said with a little blush going up to his cheeks.

That only deepened my disgust. It wasn’t that their pet names are ridiculous. They were married and I’ve heard worst than sweetie. Joni called me “her Goddess” sometimes because I’m named after a Greek Goddess. I hated it. Secretly loved it.

No, the reason I was so repulsed was because I was simply jealous I wasn’t the only calling him sweetie. I mean, I could, but it’d just be incredibly awkward wouldn’t it?

My TARDIS went flying through the Time Vortex, making the room shaky violently and the beautiful ringing sound echoed around as the wind shims moved with my spaceship. I didn’t usually let the Doctor drive my TARDIS, but he liked it so much because it was a younger model than his so it moved more swiftly. It was like his TARDIS was a beat up old truck and mine was shiny new sports car. So despite even though I didn’t really like it, I let him drive it every now and then because it made him smile when I said yes.

A moment later when everything stopped moving around us, we looked out the large window to find a forest and the forest was covered in a thick layer of pure white snow. No sight of life on that side of the TARDIS. Though us Time Lord’s have good resistance to cold, I figured it better for us to each grab a coat since the snow was still falling heavily. After we had gotten the coats, we walked out the front door.

We looked out the other side, but all there was only snow. As far as the eye can see, a field completely covered. No life. The Doctor frowned and I was secretly hoping we wouldn’t join River after all. But sadly, a moment later, River came running with under the trees wearing a thick coat and hat and shivering, her curly blond hair that reminded me of Joni’s all wet and sticking to the side of her face. I had never seen River of course, but it could only be her who would grin in such a way to the Doctor.

“Hello, my love. I see you used Artie’s TARDIS?” she asked, looking at my ship that had turned into a large tree since it was the only thing it could disguise itself as here.

I gave her a weird look. Artie?

“Ah, so you’ve met her already!” he replied.

“Oh, yes. I’ve seen her a few times. Let’s get somewhere warm to talk some more.”

And we followed her into the woods. About a mile later, we approached the opening of a cavern. We quickly went inside and River explained how she got the coordinates wrong because something seems to be messing with her equipment. In the cave, about ten men in full winter gear waiting for us. They all had guns on them and I soon noticed River had one herself. Sure, the Doctor didn’t take away her weapons!

We settled down around a fire where she took off her hat and tried to dry her hair a little.

“Anyways, like I was saying. I have met you before, Artie. Just twice though, but that’s enough to know who and what you are. I’m guessing this is your first time seeing me. Dr River Song,” she introduced herself, holding out her hand.

“Artemis,” I replied, reluctantly shaking her hand.

She took out a TARDIS blue book with pages and pages written and it made me think of my little purple book of dreams I left at Gretchen’s house. She and the Doctor got into conversation, figuring out who is where in each other’s time stream which was interesting. A deep sadness appeared on her face at the mention of her mother’s death. But she already knew so they moved on. When they finally caught up, she put away the book and the Doctor asked the question that I was wondering myself.

“So, River, why did you call us here?”

“Need a little help with the Sontarans.”


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