Part 3: Introitus.

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(I listened to "Pizzicato Polka" while writing this... lmao.)

God, have mercy on us.
The dirge will wail until the day comes.
There will be interpled gnashing of teeth.
From their mouths, frail venom will seeth.
All will mourn and rue this day.
All will bow to the Agnus Dei.

"Don't worry, sugar. It's just another minor attack by the Ravens." Sky explained calmly to Miranda.

"Just another minor attack?!" Miranda exclaimed, her face bewildered.

Who in their right mind will call this JUST another minor attack? There were hundreds of men and women carrying guns- which was a lot to her.

An alarm rang somewhere and a mass of soldiers ran outside the building and began to climb the wall. They aimed their guns at the Ravens and fired mercilessly. One by one they fell down, Miranda tore her eyes away and covered her ears. Her heart started to beat fast at the sound of the mass of people screaming and falling down.

Unwanted memories surged back to her mind, reminding her of her past trauma. Small amounts of people dying were only a shock to her, but these were hundreds of people screaming and falling down.

"Run!" both Miranda's mother and father shouted.

Tyson nodded and grabbed Miranda, he lead her inside the house, he slammed the door shut.

"Calm down..." he whispered to Miranda as he hugged her. "Everything will be fine..."

She sobbed uncontrollably as she heard her mother screaming. Her small frame shook as he heard the elated laughs of the intruders-


She snapped out of her trance and realized that she had tears falling down.

"Are you okay, sugar?"

"N-no... I'm not okay..."

"Okay, we'll go back, just let me do something first." Sky said.

She raised her arm and her holographic tablet stuttered to life, she typed something and pointed her arm to the ground. A large circular bot materialized from the tablet, it hovered for a few seconds before flying over the large walls and started shooting at the intruders.

"Come on, let's go." Sky said, Miranda felt Sky's warm, soft hand grab her's and the woman led her back to the building. They walked into one of the couches in the main lobby, Miranda shakily sat down and wiped away her tears.

"Hush, everything will be fine." Sky whispered soothingly, she rubbed Miranda's back; it always gave her a calming sensation. "Would you like some tea?

"No..." Miranda replied offhandedly. A few minutes passed, her sobs turned into faint hiccups. She felt better after her little crying episode.

Half an hour passed, and the battle still ensued outside, Sky left to assist the others leaving Dexter in charge to take care of Miranda. She felt extremely embarassed that she needed someone to look out for her.

"It seems that you are stressed out, I recommend you to drink Sky's tea. It soothes your nerves." Dexter said.

"No thanks, I'm good." Miranda replied.

The doors suddenly slammed open, making Miranda squeak for the third time this day.

"Damn it, I told you to stay put! But no, you had to act like a hero, again!" Silver' voice screeched.

Uprising: Agnus Dei (ON HOLD)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin