Part 4: Kyrie, eleison.

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Great Agnus Dei, have mercy.
Pray to God on our behalf, for mercy.
Great Agnus Dei, forgive us.
Save us from doom, lest we deserve it.
Our faith is in you, Great Agnus Dei.
Lamb of God, may you be tender to the  faithful.
Great Agnus Dei, have mercy.


Miranda stood at the end of the shooting range, aiming her pistol at the target, her vision was narrowed as her finger slowly pressed against the trigger.

The gun fired and Miranda held her ground to prevent herself from stumbling. She looked at her target and sighed when the bullet hit the target's arm.

A while ago, she accepted Simon's surprising request to join the custodians of the Agnus Dei without raising any unwanted suspscion, he was a well respected man and is highly trusted. It will give her a greater chance of seeing the Agnus Dei- and murdering her in cold blood, of course.

"Just hit the head, damn it!" Miranda scowled at the gun as she hit the body for the fifth time.

"Now, now, Miranda," Anthony said as he got off the bench and pat her shoulder. "Calm down first. You can't aim properly if all you see is red. With the exception of Silver, though."

He chuckled softly before continuing.

"Point right above the neck, the upward force will propel the bullet slightly up. You've been pointing slightly down. And try to see red ON the target, not in your vision."

"It's hard if it's your first time!" Miranda retorted, massaging her temple. The missed shots were getting on her nerves, if she can't shoot a stationary dummy properly, then she'll be good as dead outside. It was still her first day in the shooting range and it was already going splendid.

Come on, just one little headshot through that little shit, and I'll be fine...

"Good, now channel that murderous feeling into aiming at the target." Anthony said with satisfaction in his voice.

Miranda gave a small sigh before pulling the trigger, the sound of wood breaking made her heart beat fast with excitement. Her mouth fell before she laughed in elation.

I've done something right for once!

She heard Anthony gave a slow clap before speaking.

"Impressive. Work on your aim more, and you'll be up and running in no time at all!" Anthony said with a small smile. "And you'll be shooting down those Ravens!"

More like shoot down the Agnus Dei.

"That'll be great!" Miranda chirped with a grin, she was extremely elated that the man was completely unaware of her machinations. "I'm sure I can flush through the basics by tomorrow!"

"That's the spirit!"


Miranda sat on the bed with a relieved sigh, her arms ached from all the stiff aiming and her head was slightly throbbing in pain due to the loud sounds of gunshots. She grabbed a pillow and hugged it, making a sound of delight at the softness of it.

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