Part 5: Dies Irae

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Day of wrath, day of anger,
will dissolve the world into ashes.
As foretold by David and Sibyl.
Great trembling there shall be, when the Judge descends from his seat.
All will fear and rue this day.
All will bow to the Agnus Dei.


Miranda sat at one of the chairs in the mess hall, biting into a piece of toast, she made a sound of delight at the taste. It's not like everyday a person could be saved from the outside and get to eat food. Her eyed scanned around the soldiers to search for the familiar curly black hair, or at least black or ginger.

A speck of bright orange hair amongst the crowd caught her eye, she stood up and followed suit towards Anthony. She squeezed through the crowd and tapped the man's shoulder, Anthony turned around and grinned.

"Hey there," Anthony smiled. "Ready for another training session?"

Miranda nodded and looked around.

"Where's Silver?" Miranda asked.

"On the rooftop, I guess... he always spends his free time there." Anthony replies, shrugging. "Anyway, sorry about yesterday."

"Oh, no, no! It's okay! I sort of enjoyed it, but it was still was terrifying for me." Miranda reassured, laughing nervously. "Silver didn't do anything to you, right?"

Anthony shrugged again.

"Being pinned against the wall while being threatened to be killed on the spot doesn't fit the term: 'Didn't do anything.'" Anthony replies, his face slightly turning red.

"Sorry..." Miranda muttered, slightly feeling guilty for Anthony's misfortune.

"No, it was my fault, I should've not dragged you outside." Anthony reassured, grinning. "I'm going to go to the rooftop to chat with Silver."

"Okay, just don't get pinned by him on another wall again." Miranda joked, making Anthony roll his eyes as he turned around.

She smiled a bit and went back to her chair, she grabbed another piece of buttered toast from the table and bit down on it, squealing silently as she did, she was going to get used to this life... except for the killing.


Miranda was back at the shooting range, gripping her pistol in nervousness as Silver scolded them about sneaking out yesterday.

"You could've died back there!" Silver said angrily. "If you did, I just wasted my time on you. If you try to do that again, I will gladly kill you myself, I don't need another Anthony running around here."

Miranda looked down, feeling both scared and embarassed, Silver's glare made things worse for her.


"I don't need your apology." Silver snarled. "Just..." he sighed, fingers shaking, he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Just don't run off like that, okay? I don't want another casualty here... continue."

Miranda nodded quickly, not wanting to irritate Silver further. She looked at the wooden target twenty meters away from her, this was going to be slightly difficult due to her shaking fingers. Eyes narrowing, she aimed at her target and pulled the trigger, she smiled widely when the bullet hit it exactly on the head.

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