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My thoughts were gone once I saw Lisa standing beside me. "Are you okay," She asked as stood in front of me, trying to see if I was okay or not. 

I smiled at her, "I'm fine. What are you so worried about," I asked her as she sighed. 

"Don't worry about it. We need to go to class," She told as we walked to our classes. 

"You were with Jungkook so I got worried," She told me as we walked to my class. 

Then I saw my class, shaking my head, "He did nothing to me, Lisa. Don't worry about it. This is my class, bye," I told her as I walked over. 

She sighed as she mumbled something to herself, "You don't know the trouble you be in with hanging out with him, Y/N." 

I sit in the seat near the back where I sat last time. I didn't care if someone sat here. It was a seat not something that someone owns. 

Students started to come in the room but the group wasn't wasn't there yet. 

Then the teacher walked in, seeing that the group isn't here so she questioned it out to the whole class, "Where is BTS?" 

I looked around the room, seeing they weren't in the class. I saw them a minute ago. 

I sighed as the teacher started the class without them. 

I listened to the class like I cared about what was going on but I didn't care about it at all. 

I started to think about the things that Mark did. 

Why did he do that? I thought he was best friends with Taeyong. Was it about me? What was the thing that Mark couldn't tell me? 

My mind went back to the four words that I remembered from Mark, "I am not your-." I wished I heard the last part but I didn't because of Jungkook dragged me away. It just made me worry about thinking of it. 

My thoughts were cleared over because of the bell. I stood up, getting my stuff together. I started to walk towards the door, going to the cafeteria but someone stopped me from leaving the room. 

I turned around, seeing a cute guy with light brown hair. He cleared his throat as he looked up at me, "Are you Y/N," He asked me as I nodded, yes. 

"Yeah, I am Y/N. Who are you," I said, wondering who he was. 

He smiled at me as he spoke, "The name is Lee Felix. Can we have lunch together," He asked me. 

"We can but I have to put my stuff in my locker," I told him. 

He nodded, understanding what I said to him, "I will come with you so you won't get lost." 

I smiled sweetly at Felix as we walked to my locker. I opened my locker, putting my stuff in it. 

As I did, I saw Yoongi walking over to us. I smiled over at Yoongi, knowing he like me, "Yoongi, what are you doing here?" 

He didn't look pleased, looking over at Felix. His hands were making a fist, ready to fight him. "Why the hell are you with Y/N," He asked, coldly to Yoongi. 

At that moment, I knew Yoongi hated Felix and I didn't know the reason for the hatred for hating him. 

Who would hate Felix for anything? He is cute. Yet, I didn't know him. What else could you ask for?


I was walking to the lunchroom when I spotted him. 

Lee Felix


Two years, I was with my girlfriend.

She knew about me being a vampire but she didn't have a clue about Felix was one. 

She was best friends with him ever since she met him.

It made me jealous of him. I hated the fact they would hang out. 

I held Rose's hand as we walked down the street, going to the park. 

"Yoongi," She spoke out to me.

I looked over at her, wanting to know why she called my name. "Hmm?" 

She looked nervous, putting her head down. "I am sorry, Yoongi," She told me as I tilted my head to the side, confused. She looked away from the glare I gave her. 

"Sorry for what," I asked her, confused and concerned. 

"For loving Felix," She said as she looked up at me being sincere about what she said. But it didn't help the fact that she loved him and was with me. 

At that moment, I let go of her hand, "What happened to us," I asked her, wanting to do after what she told. 

She didn't say anything as she walked away from me as I stood there in the middle of the street. 

And I never saw her again. 

I regretted her hanging out with him so much. 

I hated him for doing that to her, for killing her slowly. And putting thoughts into her head that was untrue. 

We all can kill humans in an instant but not like him. 

He can change everything, feelings and trust of others. 

I hated myself for letting her leave me.

Change is possible// Jungkook FF✔️✔️ (rewriting again)Where stories live. Discover now