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I get up and get my clothes. I walked to the bathroom but the door was closed.

I knock on the door and nobody answers. So, I opened the door.

Bad idea.                                      

I saw Jungkook. Nope not going there.

I quickly say "Sorry!" I shut the door, he said nothing.

He probably was ignoring me, I don't care.
That was- never mind.

I just go back to my room and shut the door.
I made sure that door is locked, I mean locked.

I quickly get dressed and I hear someone knocking on the door that IS locked.

It was Mark so I sighed in relief that it was him. "I made breakfast, Y/N. Come down went you are ready." He leaves and I just sit on my bed.

Mark is not the problem. Jungkook is. I saw his abs. Ugh! Just forget about it.

I unlock my door and quickly go downstairs.

I just need to avoid Jungkook. That will be simple, right?

I get to the dinner table and sit down.

Mark says "Are you okay? Your door was locked?"

I smile and say "I'm fine." Really, I'm not.

I get my food and I see a familiar figure that I don't want to see, Jungkook. He gets his food and then sits down across from me.

I eat my food in silence, trying not bringing the 'accident' up.

Mark realizes the silence and says "Y/N, are you okay?

I looked a little embarrassed. I smile at him and say "No, I am not. I was just thinking to myself."

Jungkook looks at me, confused and doesn't say anything. Like he doesn't know about the bathroom 'accident'.

I sigh to myself and think to myself.

This is going to be harder than I have thought.

We get in the car and we go to a cemetery.

I guessing, this is where Rose is?

Jungkook looks at the ground while we walk to the graves.

Is he sad?

Jungkook mumbles "Why did you die? Can I save you, Rose?"

I knew he was sad about Rose but I didn't know why he was so sad about Rose.

Mark says "This Rose, Y/N."

I walk over to the grave and say "Really?" I see Jungkook kneeling down to the grave. I felt sad for him even though he hurt me and played withgrab Like I walked in the bathroom when he was in the bathroom.

Stop bringing that up! Forget it!

Mark says "Jungkook, do you want to leave you alone for a little bit?"

He nods and we leave.

Jungkook's P.O.V


She is gone, forever. I can't save her, I can't save anyone. Even my older sister.

I stand up and get my phoneanyone I look at the photos of us younger. Even my mother and father. Us happy in those pictures.

Now, I am not as happy as I was back then. I miss them so much. It hurts me to death. I wanted my family back, I wanted them back.
Even Rose. Rose has been there for me, when I was hurt or anything. She was the only family member that knew that I was a vampire except Mark. He knew too. But she was never scared of me, never. She was always happy with us. She died before my parents died.

My thoughts stop when Felix was calling me.

I gulp and answer the call.

Felix says, "Jungkook."

"Y-yes?" My voice was shaky because I was crying.

I hear him laughing and says "So, you were crying because of something?"

"No, I am not."

"Fine, fine. Have you thought about that question I asked you a couple of days?"

Rose.. She all I can think about. What would she do? Would she let me save her?

I sighed, loudly and say "Yeah, I want you to save Rose."

Felix was smirking in the call but I could not see it. "Okay, I will contact her later, today. Well, I will be going." He hangs up the call and I just fall on to the ground.

I want her ground. I just want my old life back. That's all I'm asking for.



ok, if you are at this point, and already read this. I changed some stuff before this, not changing the story line or anything like that but I just changed the grammar. That's why the number are messed up.

Yes, I'm back on this story. It had been months I know. But thank you if you are still here on this weird adventure that I created back in 2018.

Change is possible// Jungkook FF✔️✔️ (rewriting again)Where stories live. Discover now