Leila Al-Haydar

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Full Name:

Laila Al-Haydar


Lala and her best friend calls her Little Death

Age (17-23) -








Face Claim

(Don't know her name :c )

(Don't know her name :c )

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She has a jagged scar going from the side of her thumb down to her wrist and has a deep dimple on her left cheek


Laila has quite the temper, though has come to learn how to control the majority of it. She's sarcastic and doesn't care to speak her mind, telling the truth whenever she sees fit no matter who is in front of her. The girl is a firecracker just waiting to explode, always being the talkative and outgoing one in her home. Laila quite easily attracts people but she hates the majority of who she meets, having trust issues. She refuses to let anyone get too close to her and will use someones weakness against them when she see's fit and if necessary. The girl guards her heart, only letting the few she truly loves see her kind nature.


Cheesecake, reading, food in general, outdoor activities such as hiking, cuddling


Liars, falling in love, snakes


*Her survival skills since she spends the majority of her time in the outdoors




*Her temper is one of her greatest weaknesses as it makes her jump to conclusions and spout out things she doesn't necessarily mean.

*Her insecurities is another weakness of hers though she feigns confidence everyday in front of others.

*Can be stubborn to the point of it becoming stupid and dangerous


Growing up in an Arabian family, with a strictly religious father, Laila had been raised to know everything about her culture and religion. However, she was shunned and seen as a disgrace by her father when she refused to participate and some of her religious duties such as wearing the hijab.


She has a twin brother 

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