Sienna Brown

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Sienna Brown




"The thing about smart people is that they seem like crazy people to dumb people"


Sienna Brown

"Smart and witty beats fake and pretty"

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"Smart and witty beats fake and pretty"


Sienna is a glorified nerd, always thinking her intelligence was something t be proud of rather than hate it like many people do. She knows she's a nerd and she embraces it, finding it better to read and learn about the world rather then to drink and do drugs. Even though her nose is usually in a book the girl is strong as hell since she knows the anatomy of the body like the back of her hand and therefore she knows all of the weak points. Other than reading the girl likes t ru and be outside, knowing that not only do books teach people things but so does living your life and exploring. She tends to be a little quiet but that's not because she's shy and more because she's observing the people around her and picking away at their behaviour and personality, finding a persons habit interesting. Sienna is quite the character, always being silly when she's with her friends. She does have a witty tongue though, which is to be expected from an intelligent woman. Ever since she had her heart broken a couple years back, she refuses to listen to her heart and merely trusts her brain. 


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The Smart One

Destined mates with The Wild Individual

Falls in love with the assassin

Childhood friends with The Happy Delta

"Brains is the new sexy"

Sienna grew up with the wolves, she has learned everything she could about her kind and read about the wars between the human race and wolves

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Sienna grew up with the wolves, she has learned everything she could about her kind and read about the wars between the human race and wolves. The girl knows why the humans hate them but she can't understand their hate. She doesn't hate them per say but she refuses to let anyone hurt the people she loves, she's protective of her family. She wouldn't attack the humans though if they didn't attack them, she wants to learn more about them. Sienna is interested in anything she doesn't fully understand. 

"The trick to being smart is knowing when to play dumb"

"The trick to being smart is knowing when to play dumb"

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Sienna has her ears pierced

Sienna has her ears pierced

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