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Junhui literally got no sleep last night for the same reason; Minghao being in his head all night. He just couldn't get the boys smile out of his head and that cute little giggle Minghao had just made Junhui's heart skyrocket.

Junhui got off of his bed and immediately checked the mirror and was greeted by another black inked tattoo on his forearm. "Of course" he said to himself not even surprised anymore. He went to his dresser and fished out a black T-shirt and jeans and threw it on.

Junhui walked out of his room and into the kitchen where he saw his roommate eating a bowl of cereal

"Woah you look like shit today"

"Thanks for the compliment" Junhui rolled his eyes and lazily walked to the fridge. "So, any update on your tattoo situation?" Hansol asked. "Yup just like last time. The other one is gone and another shows up" Junhui says as he showed Hansol his forearm.

"What the fuck? That's the weirdest one yet" Hansol commented "do you know what they mean?" He added.

"Nope, not at all. I'm starting to get used to it honestly" Junhui spoke then put a slice of bread in the toaster. "It's so weird and ironic" Hansol commented again.

"I guess. Anyways how was your date?" Junhui asked before biting down on the toasted bread. "Oh my it was amazing. He was so funny and cute I just couldn't get enough" Hansol said with heart eyes. "He!?" Junhui exclaimed totally shocked that Hansol went out with a male. "Yeah a He and he's so cute" Hansol spoke again. "H-Hansol you never told me you were gay?" Junhui was a lost of words. He never would've thought Hansol was gay. "Well I didn't know I was until I saw him. Some people change you man" Hansol sighed out. "Haha well congratulations. What's his name?" Junhui asked.


"Mm okay. You should invite him over sometime" Junhui suggested. "Haha okay are you fine with Being a third wheel?" Hansol asked with a chuckle. "Dang I forgot about that" Junhui sighed. Its gonna be like hell being a third wheel especially with Hansol's flirty ass. "Do you have anyone your seeing? You've been coming home pretty late" Hansol says as he leaned on the counter.

A blush crept up onto Junhui's face just thinking about Minghao.

"Um well I've been seeing someone but we're just friends" Junhui cleared up feeling a little heartbroken that he clarified them as just friends. "So who is she?" Hansol asked getting intrigued by the person Junhui is seeing. "It's a he and his name is Minghao" Junhui answered.

"Mmm okay. We should invite them tonight?" Hansol suggested. Junhui doesn't know if this is a good idea. He met Minghao 2 days ago and might think Junhui is a creep just inviting him to his house.

"Uhh I don't know"

"Come on Jun. there are no classes tomorrow and I really want you to meet Seungkwan" Hansol begged as he shook Junhui's arm.

Junhui sighed "fine. I'll ask Minghao if he can now let's go before we're late" Junhui shook off his arm and started to put on his shoes. Hansol jumped up in excitement at the plans for this evening and couldn't wait to see Seungkwan.

Junhui grabbed his jacket and both boys headed out to their classes.


"So it's like a double date?" Jisoo asked. "It can be a triple date if you invite your boyfriend" Hansol spoke. "Seokmin isn't that type of guy and he and I like to have dates alone but thanks for the invite" Jisoo politely declined.

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