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Minghao was the first to wake up feeling something warm pressed up against his body. He liked the feeling and moved closer.

Junhui woke up from the movement and looked down seeing Minghao buried into his chest. He thought it was the cutest thing ever and resisted the urge to kiss the younger all over his face.

Junhui cautiously wrapped his arms around the boy pulling him closer. His arms fit perfectly around Minghaos fragile body then he drifted off to sleep again.

"Hey we should-...Hansol come look at this" Seungkwan whispered as he looked at the two cuddling in bed.

"Broooo" Hansol squealed as he shook the older making the other dizzy.

"I knew it!"

"Shut up! Are you stupid? they're sleeping!"

"You're yelling too"

"You did first!"

"Ahhhh seriously?" Junhui groaned and ruffled his hair in annoyance then sat up. The two looked at the Chinese boy with wide eyes once they saw where another tattoo was placed.

"why are you looking at me like that?" The taller asked.

"Guys stop that's creepy"

"Junhui has tattoos!?!?" Seungkwan shouted waking Minghao up "Why is everyone shouting?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Junhui. There's a huge tattoo on your neck" Hansol calmly said (at least tried to knowing that Junhui will freak the fuck out).

"What?!" Junhui rushed up and ran to the bathroom looking at the mirror.

Hansol was right. There was a huge tattoo on his neck going down to his right shoulder. "Oh my god" was all Junhui could say. It's getting more obvious he thought and he was right.

"I didn't see you with a tattoo yesterday?" Minghao spoke as he stood in the doorway of the bathroom with his hair adorably messy from just waking up. "I-I don't have any" Junhui answered. Minghao looked at the tattoo and back at Junhui with the most confused expression "um Junhui it's right there. You can't tell me you don't have a tattoo if it's just sitting right there" The younger said again "but it looks cool. You match" he added.

Junhui didn't know if he should cry or blush but he knows he's panicking.

"But how did you get that? I know I didn't see you with one yesterday" Minghao asked knowing for sure he didn't see Junhui with a tattoo.

"It's u-uh-"

"For the past 3 days Junhui has been having random tattoos popping up all over his body and he doesn't know why. Yes, it's real and no we aren't on crack" Hansol butt in explaining literally everything.

Minghao stood there confused and just tried to take in what Hansol just told him I think I'm hanging with the wrong people.

"It's true and I know it sounds stupid but it really is happening" Junhui walked closer to Minghao who was not believing this. "A-Are you crazy?" Minghao asked backing away a little.

"Minghao. You didn't see me with one yesterday did you? It's true I know it sounds weird but it's actually real." Junhui spoke in mandarin trying to convince the smaller that this is real.

Minghao blinked stupidly. Yes, he thought Junhui was extremely attractive with that tattoo and maybe he thought this was all real and Junhui and his friends aren't crazy.

"Believe me please" Junhui pleaded seeing a bit of fear in Minghao's eyes.

Minghao came to realize that Junhui barely speaks in Chinese to him and knows he only does to say important stuff.

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