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[ Day 2 ]

Lucas hugs his stomach tightly as he swings the door open. He's 100% confident his plan is full proof. Not to brag, but he's a total genius! Why? Let's just say he has a legitimate excuse to visit his favorite nurse. Today, he wasn't playing any games at all.

Jungwoo lifts his eyebrow up as he notices Lucas limping up to the front desk. He heaves a loud sigh and makes eye contact with the boy. "What do you want this time?"

Sweating, Lucas awkwardly grins, rubbing his stomach. It's a stupid idea but let's just say he purposely ate some laxative brownies in order to see Jungwoo again. He knows, it's probably not the time to take home the genius of the year award, but at least he isn't faking it this time! "I'm hurt. I really don't feel good."

Just in time, the doctor shows up. Lucas never saw him in person, but judging from his name tag, his name was Doyoung. It would be a total lie if Lucas wasn't jealous of him since he spends the majority of his time with Jungwoo.

"We have another patient?" Doyoung questions, urging for Jungwoo to step into his office. "Can you take care of this one?"

Biting his lip, Jungwoo gives the same usual nasty glare, but this time he softens up a bit since he genuinely can see the pain in Lucas's eyes. "Alright, but if I'm not out in 30 minutes, kick down the door."

"Lighten up, nurse. He's just a kid." Doyoung rolls his eyes, taking off his white coat. It's about time he ends his shift and usually, he passes the keys to Jungwoo to close the clinic. "Don't forget to lock up!"

Grabbing a clipboard, Jungwoo opens the door to the office and waves with his hand. Lucas starts to shiver as he follows behind Jungwoo while managing to successfully walk on his two legs. "You know what I think all I need is a—"

"Oh my god, you did not!" Jungwoo hisses, pinching his nose with his fingers. The smell, the darkened spot on his pants... No, it couldn't possibly be.

"Hey nurse," Lucas clears his throat, hiding a faint blush on his cheeks. "Am I too old to poop in my pants?"

It's official, Jungwoo really believes Lucas is a five-year-old child trapped in a teenage body. Who in their right mind would do this in front of him?



Well, short chapter, but I felt like I needed to update this

I'm still suffering from exams uwu, save me pls.

arrest me, nurse! • luwooWhere stories live. Discover now