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[Day 3]

If only Lucas wasn't a high schooler, then maybe he could have whipped—

Nope, not ever! Absolutely not!

"If this is about age," Lucas smoothly whips out his fake ID and pretends as if he knows how to loophole his way in life. "It's just a number. Don't worry about it, babe."

Yeah, and jail is only a room.

Jungwoo pushes back his chin in disgust and throws away the idea that he possibly may have a possible kink, but that's not important! The point was, he's just a little boy. He doesn't know what he wants. "Look at the clock! Isn't it a perfect time for a little nap?"

"I'm in high school, not pre-school." Lucas snorts, crossing his arms as he demands Jungwoo to whip his ass and give him the proper punishment he deserves. His bare buttocks are getting cold, better make it quick!

Only a pervert would expose himself like this! Oh yeah, Lucas was indeed a pervert with no brains. "Are you trying to get me fired?"

Lucas stares off into the distance as he thinks of a reply. Well, if he does get his nurse fired, then wouldn't that mean he gets to spend more time with him? What a great idea! "No, of course not. What made you think that?"

For starters, he only pulled down his pants when Doyoung stepped into the room. It's a good thing the doctor in charge has eyesight problems, otherwise, he had to go through the pain of explaining the mess in front of him. "Oh, I don't know. Just guessing."

"Stop guessing and focus on me." Lucas pouts, pulling up his pants as he realizes he won't be scoring a date with his nurse today. Darn it, Johnny said the immature baby act would work. Never ever believe the words of a boy with a penis swirl on his head.

Jungwoo rolls his eyes and slightly nods. He hears the same nonsense every day and wonders if Lucas ever gets tired of this. "If you want to score a date, you have to become legal."

Ah, the word legal.

It's only a matter of a few months before he can score a date with Jungwoo, but the thing was... he can't wait that long. He frowns, dragging his feet as he prepares a new set of pick-up lines for tomorrow. "I'll see you on Wednesday, babe! I'll be back better than ever."

And now you see why.
It's 100% crack. 🤠

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