Chapter 3

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Adiva woke up to her blaring alarm once again and sighed in irritation as she switched it off. Today was a precious day and she didn't want to waste it. She sighed happily when she remembered what she had done yesterday and smirked.

"Remind me to never piss you off. That smirk is very scary." Yamin stood at the doorway of her room, courtesy of her alarm clock once again. He was frowning at her.

"Nothing you say today can spoil my mood. I am going to witness my victory with my own eyes today. Ahhh! Sweet victory!" Adiva said as she rubbed her hands in anticipation and a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Yamin grinned as he imagined the scene they were about to witness.

"No arguements there." He contended.

She laughed and stood up with an expert speed as she flung her covers off her and started a tornado in her room. Yamin watched as his spitfire of a cousin went about her daily morning routine. She rushed inside the bathroom and then inside the closet, then inside the bathroom again. When she emerged from the bathroom in eight minutes and seventeen seconds, she was impeccably perfect. He stared in armiration and then dragged himself off to his own room. He hated school with a passion and no amounts of pranks could change that. He was brilliant, but lazy.

Adiva watched him go, before she bent down to wear her sneakers and hopped around as she wore the other. She straightened up to recheck herself in the mirror for one last time before she blew herself a kiss and rushed out of the room, picking up her bag on the way. She closed the door with a 'thud'.

The closet door opened a few seconds later and Riesha crawled out of the the closet in a disheveled state. She huffed as she straightened up and heard her bones popping in place. Her whole body was aching. She had spent the night crouching in her sister's closet. It was hot and it was dark. She hated the experience. She sighed and stared at the shoppers she was still clutching in her hands. It was worth the trouble though, she shrugged. Still! She hated what she had to do for them. She hated her sister for having everything she needed. She hated her sister, period!

She looked around and sighed. It was time to get out of here. She couldn't be caught. She ran out of the room after she checked to see if the coast was clear. She sighed when she entered her own room and watched with starry eyes the shoppers she clutched in her hands. After the night she had had, there was no way she was going to school. She was going to file away the stuff and then she was going to rest her aching back. The school and studies would have to wait. She nodded to herself and went on ahead to carry on with her plans.


Adiva entered the high school and went straight to her group of friends, who were talking about various topics amongst themselves. She rolled her eyes at their rapid topic changes and hoped that soon that would change to just one topic for the day. She was waiting for the guys to enter.

The final bell rang and they all proceeded to their respective classes. She was bouncing on her feet, with the pent up excitement, getting weird looks from her peers. She ignored them though and searched again for the targets. Today would be an easy spotting day for the guys.

Then the school doors opened and a group of boys stood at the doors, in a straight line, watching everyone like they owned the school. Arrogance dripped off them in plenty and they were smirking at everyone. This group of boys was known as the 'Fodres' in the school and they were feared by almost everyone. They were the ones who bullied the students. They played pranks and taunted others to such an extent that the students nowadays tried to shrink themselves while they passed by these boys, to avoid attracting attention to themselves. They left Adiva and the other Rasans alone because Rasans weren't supposed to be messed with and everyone knew that, unless you were a Furaat.

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