
71 3 0

21. July. 2018
2158 words.

"Finally we are free to enjoy ourselves." Whispers Alfred, after leaving the theater class. The most boring god damn class of his whole life, somehow he regrets choosing this trip over extra optional subjects he could just easily study; but this class is going to last for the next 17 days. He rolls his eyes as the middle aged lady waves at him, as a goodbye. Wishes he could just stay neutral and expressionless like Ludwig, this honesty displayed on his face is going to take him to nowhere. The lady fortunately gets busy with the other teachers. At the end of the session, Antonio claps his hands to drag attention.
"Guys, you are free to roam around, but don't get in trouble!" Most of the students begin to cheer with loud 'YES!' or jumping up on their feet from the concreted ground.
Alfred just shoves his hands deeper inside his pocket and motions his head towards Ludwig. Luckily, Ludwig is smart enough to understand what he meant. Both lads walk slowly from the metal gate and finally into the street.
"Where are we going to go?" Asks Ludwig, while looking around him.
"Pool party." Alfred quirks a rather mischievious smile. The german smiles at the responce, too. Both of them disappear from the sight of the other students to the crowded street of the city.

"Do you have swimming short?" Conciders Alfred, as he points at his black pair of pants with his head. Ludwig looks at his own washed, blue jeans, too. They don't have any supplies for this so called pool party. And how did the American managed to get them an invitation to this pool party, anyway?
Going through the malls and markets make both them exhausted and the take a break at the nearest McDonald's.
"Did you find any goods?" Speaks Alfred with his full mouth.
"Ja. I found a swimming short with a towel. I am finished." Ludwig sips his fanta and sits back straight.
"Dude! Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Winces the american like a newly abondoned child from milk.
"Because, you were really busy flirting with the casher." Alfred's head jerks dangerously upwards, he could get a neck injury if it was just a bit harsher. The american's eyes widen and his eyebrows are stretched up. He gulps hard.
"I..I didn't flirt. He was just nice-"
"And then you asked for his number." Ludwig snaps back. Even argueing with him is so different than normal people. He doesn't rise his voice to speak up and agrue, but he still manages to sit his words.
"He helped and with extra discount!" Yelps the younger.
Ludwig narrows his baby-blue eyes and mouths a small 'ok', before turing to the counter and paying.
"Lets go to that discount guy shop. I want fine goods with cheap prize, too." Ludwig stumbs his feet as he walks towards the huge shop. On the right side, there is this happy go smiling man, which he shortly noticed as the flirt target to the american and a lady besides him.
"How can I help you?" If he were to chose what might've helped him, he'd chose a bottle of beer right now, but he'd rather go on with the underwear discount.
"I want a swimming underwear with a package of normal underwear." The man comes back smiling at him and sticks a note on it with a '30%' off sign. Happily he pays for the money.
"Thanks alot" Ludwig notices, that Alfred is still staring at the man infront of them with a silly, american smile. To his surprise, the man is showing some kind of interest, too.
Ludwig wonders why hasn't Alfred bought himself un underwear when he was once inside this shop. Thanks to Ludwig, Alfred has got a swimming short.
"Excuse me, Mr. But, you should be giving me your number, since I am not from this city and I don't want to get lost. In other words, be my saviour because I am lost already." Alfred jostles Ludwig to the side and starts speaking. Ludwig just listens for a moment and it hits him that the american is flirting with the green eyed man behind the cash machine, and just how cringy he sounds.
Moments later, as the boredom of drives him up to the madness point, he walks out of the shop and sits on a chair across the entry. No so long after, Alfred gets out, too, but with a happy, smiling face. He looks so bright, his face screamed that he has got the number.
"He is coming to the pool party." He throws an arm around Ludwig's shoulder. The german just looks at him with no interest at all and walks toward their room.

Say My Name Again 《USUK》✔ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now