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29. July. 2018
1238 words

"I thought you weren't going to come. However, I am glad you've joined us." Ludwig speaks to Ivan. He has invited him to join in the movie theatre. Alfred and Feliks are there as well.
Feliks just rolls his eyes when Ivan smiles at him. He hates that man, because of him Toris had to leave the country; had to leave him.
Alfred hugs the russian before punching him slightly on his arm.

"How are ya doing?" Asks Alfred in between a grin.

"Very well." Ivan pauses. "And how are you, Lukasiewic?"
Feliks wants to stay silent and ignore the man, but Ivan is standing right infront of him. His pale hair is dancing in the wind and the soft waves are gathered to a side. It reminds Feliks of those old days.  When Ivan wore his hair longer and used to hang with Toris and himself.

"I am fine." After a moment, Feliks answers.
His hands are balled inside his pockets and his eyes are pierced at the russian's. Ivan nods at him and smiles gently. Ivan has always had a soft spot for the younger. Not in a romantical type of affection, but in a more brothery way.
No matter how much Feliks hates him, Ivan will always protect him.

"The movie is about to start, lets go in." Says Alfred cheerfully and pulls Feliks by hand. The polski is separated from the russian; and for that he is thankful.
Ludwig and Ivan follow them slowly, until they are inside the theatre and they search for their seat numbers. The lamps are already off and the only source of illumination is the light reflected from the screen.
It is loud at first, but when the movie starts, everything is silenced. Except for those jerks who aren't even allowed to step in, if they are going to talk, loud.

"Hey Feliks." Whispers Alfred. They are sitting in the middle back row and the other couple on the fronter part. They can still see their backs and heads.

"What?" Answers Feliks while eating his chips.
"Are you fine? You.... you looked weird while speaking to Ivan." Alfred has noticed some tention between these two, but he never took it seriously, until now. He doesn't hate the russian, nor wants him to go away. Because, Ivan is now a good friend of him, besides dating his bestfriend. But, today Feliks seemed totally pissed at him. He glared at him with those green eyes that are meant to be peaceful and reflect beauty, not hatred.

"We are fine, Alfred. It is just...... lets watch the movie and stop talking. It will bother the others." Alfred slides down to his chair and doesn't talk anymore. But he holds the polski's hand tight.

"Wie ist Alfred." Ivan's tone is more like a command than a question.
"He is my bestfriend." Answers Ludwig blankly.
"Is he trustable?" Ludwig turns his head from the movie towards him.
"Yes, Ivan. I trust him. And you should, too." Ludwig utters before pulling him into a kiss. Ludwig likes Ivan, and same goes with the russian. But, he worries about Feliks' wellbeing.
Once he was hurt, he doesn't want that happen to Feliks again.


"I think the movie is awesome." Alfred walks fast with his hand still intertwined with the older. Feliks chuckles.

"So.... would you like to be... my boyfriend?" Alfred stops in front of a garden and eyes the older. It is very sudden, yet predictable. They have been going out for a week now, so it is normal.

"We already are." Responses Feliks as he rings his arms around his neck and kisses his ear.

"We already are." The polish repeats the words in his ear. Alfred has never felt this delighted before. The thoughts of separating their ways go back to the back of his mind and he forgets about them.
This is Feliks, and he accepts him. Even if they get separated, they will still stay as close friends.

"Lubię cię."


"What should we do tonight?" Asks the american, while changing his shirt.

"Party." Says Lovino with a smirk. He will never get enough of parties. Even Antonio doesn't have the power to stop him.

"Aren't you going to go with Anty?"
"What the fuck is an Antie?" Lovino looks from from Alfred to Ludwig and back at him. Ludwig holds his smile and shrugs.

"Come on, the person you are dating. Antonio." Alfred grimaces.

"No. And for your information, he is Antonio not Antie."

"Ok. Then it is settled. I'll call Feliks to see if he comes or not." Alfred leaves the room to call.

"He has changed." Remarks Lovino.
"I think so, too." Says Ludwig quietly.
"You are dating, too." The italian says with a grin on his face.
"Yes." He wants to laugh because Ludwig's cheeks are flaming red.


"Wake up. Wake up, dude." Mathias tries to wake Arthur, he has passed out for a few hours now. He is getting anxious.

"Arthur, vågn op." He shakes him gently. Slowly, Arthur opens his eyes and looks lost. He falls asleep again. Mathias shakes him harder.

"Bloody- I am up." He sits up on his place. Mathias sighs in relief and throws him some clean clothes. The rain from the night before has cleared the sky into a beautiful shade of blue. The stream of water can be heard from their place and the birds are loud and annoying.
Arthur and Mathias have a hangover so the birds are super annoying. He holds his head once a sudden pounding starts.

"I hate you till the eternity. Didn't I tell you to drop the alcohols?" Arthur hissed at Mathias. Mathias is holding his head with his palm and tries to smile, but his pounding head isn't allowing.

"Stop talking. Go get useful and make us some coffee." Mathias sighs as he rubs his temples.
Arthur just glares at him angrily and appears to be ready for a lecture.
"Fuck off, and make coffee, would you?" Repeats Mathias in a harsher tone but with a smile on his face.
"You are the one who brought the shit, and you are going to make coffee." Arthur hits him on the arm.

"My head is exploding, why are you so unmerciful?" Winces the danish.

"So does mine." Arthur pushes him out of the tent. Mathias settles the electrical stove and boils some water.
Soon the coffee is ready and he goes back inside.

"The coffee is ready." He places the cups on the ground and looks at Arthur.

"What is it?" He asks, as Arthur stares at him with fierce and narrowed eyes. His arms are crossed over his chest. An intimidating image of Arthur, when he is ready to start something, in which Mathias is familiar with.
He runs a hand in his uncombed hair and tries to ignore the flamming glares.

"Mathias." Says the english with a cold tone. Mathias looks up.

"We need to talk." And Mathias knows what he is going to talk about.

Sorry for the mistakes. I know that this story is actually about Arthur and Alfred, but is kinda focusing on the other characters' stories, too. For example; the background life of Ivan and Feliks and their relationship. They all make sense once the story continues. I just wanted to say, don't worry. The ArthurAlfred moments are yet to come!


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