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A/N  Woah!! When did we get to 600 views??!! That's just so crazy!! Thank you to everyone who voted, commented, and read this story so far! We really appreciate it. My co-author got a Wattpad and it is spicypistachio

Thursday 6:02 AM

[Eijirou OwO 6:02 AM] good morning everyone! Time to wake the h e c c up!

[2007 emo 6:03 AM] wake up little bitches time for school

[Peppa Pig 6:03 AM] staring at the ceiling can really help you go to sleep

[Eijirou OwO 6:03 AM] I can agree to that!

[Portable Speaker 6:03 AM] you seem to be in a better mood than usual kiri whats up

[Portable Charger 6:03 AM] yeah bro what's up? Did you get good news or something?

[Icy Hoe 6:03 AM] I just woke up and I've already been called a bitch

[Eijirou OwO 6:03 AM] Nothing! I just woke up really early feeling energized

[Bakubaby 6:03 AM] the bitch woke up at 5:30 what the fuck

[Eijirou OwO 6:03 AM] I was just woke as heck

[Uranus 6:03 AM] I stayed up late making Bakubrownies.

[Sugar Daddy UwU 6:03 AM] We should make brownies together sometime Uraraka

[Kermit the frog 6:03 AM] BAKUBROWNIES

[Uranus 6:03 AM] I would love to Satou!

[Bakubaby 6:03 AM] Bakubrownies

[Eijirou OwO 6:04 AM] am i allowed to have a bakubrownie because those sound delicious

[Uranus 6:04 AM] As long as Bakugou will share you should be able to have one!

[Eijirou OwO 6:04 AM] please bakubaby

[Bakubaby 6:04 AM] fuck off they are called Bakubrownies for a reason

[Portable Charger 6:04 AM] but he's your bakuboyfriend

[Bakubaby 6:04 AM] this whole "putting baku in front of real words" game needs to end

[Portable Speaker 6:04 AM] I just turned on Bakugou's playlist to get ready and the first song was a song by bon iver that makes me c r y

[Eijirou OwO 6:04 AM] Bon Iver's music makes me want to kill an animal and then scream violently in a secluded forest

[Cutest Furry 6:04 AM] mine was the Thomas the Train theme song and that shit gets me emotional let me tell you

[Invisalign 6:04 AM] Kirishima are you okay?

[Eijirou OwO 6:05 AM] Yeah I just really love Bon Iver's music

[Scotch Tape 6:05 AM] oh you meant that in a good way

[Icy Hoe 6:05 AM] if there's anything I've learned

[Icy Hoe 6:05 AM] it's that a morning cry is the best cry.

[Portable Speaker 6:05 AM] i can currently agree todoroki

[Uranus 6:05 AM] I feel like there is a large difference between the cries that you and Todoroki have, Jirou.

[Icy Hoe 6:05 AM] yes but a morning cry still is the best

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