Mary Anne Spier

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What Ever Happened to the secretary of the BSC, Mary Anne Spier

Mary Anne (now Mary Anne Moore) dated Logan Bruno until halfway through her junior year, when she realized how much she despised being with him. During her senior year, Mary Anne began a secret relationship with Kristy. Mary Anne believed she was a lesbian until she graduated college. Nowadays, Mary Anne refuses to talk about it. She is still in touch with Kristy, although their friendship is strained. Mary Anne became a nurse, and one of her patients turned out to be her future husband, Lucas Moore. Mary Anne chose to be a stay-at-home mom once she had her daughters, Ally and Lily. Mary Anne's father died before Lily was born and her stepmom Sharon, went a little off the deep end. Sharon now lives with the Moores in their old fashioned home just outside of  Stoneybrook. Due to the fire that destroyed her home in her youth, Mary Anne is obsessed with taking pictures of her daughters or keeping things that they made and putting it in a fire-proof box. Mary Anne enjoys using coupons. 

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