Dawn Read Schafer

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What Ever Happened to the BSC's alternate officer, Dawn Schafer

Dawn Schafer returned to California since she missed it so much, and went to college in California as well. She was always a California girl at heart. Dawn became a little eccentric during this time, and became a vegan. After her brother, Jeff and his boyfriend, Bryon Pike, were killed in a car accident, Dawn went a little crazy. She became obsessed with contacting Jeff's spirit. She distanced herself from the BSC, even from her stepsister, Mary Anne. She lives on a small farm in California where she grows her own food. She lives with her childhood best friend, Sunny Winslow. The two of them have an on-again, off-again relationship. Both girls identify as bisexual. Dawn's guilty pleasure is watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians. 

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