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I watched a video about a domestic dog interacting with a wild wolf.

Someone left the comment, "When private school kids meet public school kids."

Another person responded, "Underrated comment."

A third reply was, "Poor public school trash."

I responded with something along the lines of: "This is very rude. Just because we go to a public school doesn't mean we are trash."

A fourth person responded to me with something like, "No, rich kids have it right. Go suck up your pride, faggot. Ever wonder why private school teachers stay, but public school teachers don't?

Go figure."

I responded: "Rich kids like you are brats. You don't realize what you have. Must be nice to have everything you want. But one day, mommy and daddy won't be there to spoil you. What will happen when you've got to go off on your own?"

I decided to stop there, although I wanted to add, "At least us 'public school trash' people will know how to handle ourselves and enjoy life. True happiness cannot be bought by ANY amount of money, and just because you go to a private school doesn't make you any better. You're just narrow minded people who couldn't accept differences even if the world around you did."

Ugh, I know, I'm a horrible person. But it just really enraged me. Why do rich kids always think they're better?

Yeah, they've got money. Yeah, they might have everything they want.

But that's not life! Life is working toward the things you want. If we get it easily, who are we? 

People like that don't know what they have. They won't be happy.

I'm not going to go off about 'how all rich kids are spoiled brats' because that's not true. Not all rich kids are spoiled brats, but alas, some are. And I'm not saying all public school kids are super angels or something. Because they're not.

Sorry for ranting, everyone. Y'all can go off what a horrible person I am in the comments, but.. eh...


Okay. I made a clan, named SparkClan, from Warrior Cats. I didn't have Instagram or Discord when I made the clan. But I looked around everywhere else to see if I could use the name without consequence. Didn't find ANYTHING.

When I got Instagram I made an account for my clan, owned by me and two other friends. I'm the creator but the leader died, so now my friend, Stormii, is the leader, and my other friend, Nora, is the deputy... I'm going to ask if my character, Nettlepaw, can be deputy again. (This was needed for explanation)

So recently I followed a cool looking account, and saw one of their posts. She said she was changing her clan name and gave some options.

SparkClan was one of them.

So I commented, being super friendly about it, "Hey, my friend! SparkClan is already taken!"

She rudely responded with, "Is warriors patented by you? I think not! I'll use whichever name I want, thank you very much."

So we argued a bit about how 'warriors isn't made by me.'

She brought up the point that there were like ten SparkClans. I said, "Okay, then wouldn't you rather take something original?"

They said the same thing as earlier.

So I made a post about it. Because apparently they DIDNT GET SPARKCLAN WAS ALREADY USED (even by more than one!). I even tagged them, so I wasn't going behind their back.

So then they commented that was a dick move. I agreed, because it was. But they needed to understand.

So then their friend, who I've NEVER SEEN BEFORE, decided to suddenly come in and comment the SAME. EXACT. THING. I said the SAME. EXACT. THING. Back. They screenshotted and posted everything on their story, calling us dumbasses and petty. She literally did the same thing I did, if not WORSE. So I argued with them in DMs.

I asked why they even got involved, and maybe they SHOULDN'T. You know, because this was between the first person and I.

They responded with, "you can't make me leave."

I said, "I can if I block you."

Keep in mind, I didn't cuss at them, not once. I was calm and defending myself.

So I blocked them. They contacted me on an alt account, basically recapped our argument, and called me a scared dumbass.

So, yeah. That's what's been going on lately.

Bye -.-

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