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There were once three men traveling to America. One named Mu another named Bu and the third one fu

"When we get there I'm gonna change my name to Muck" Mu said.

"When I get there I'm gonna change my name to buck" bu said

"When I get there I'm gonna change my name to......Wait.... PETER" fu said.

Jesus Christ

A drunk man went in a bar and out he did that for almost 20 times.After a While he comes running out to 2 priests yelling

"I'm Jesus Christ!"

The priest turns to him and says "no prove it"

The man leads them to the bar and once they entered the bar manager yells



" mommy my stomach hurts" said a little girl.

" that's because it's empty you should something in it " her mother replyed.

When the little girls dad came home he said wow my forehead hurts...

"That's because there's nothing in it, you should fill it up" said the little girl.

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