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Welcome my bootiful fam! I reaaalllyyy hope you guys enjoy reading this story(again lol) and please, dont be afriad to share your thoughts/opinions/advice etc. Thank you all for being so wonderful and extremely supportive! yall are some cool beans :)

Have you ever loved someone so much, to the point that you feel as if you're absolutely nothing without them? They're practically the oxygen you need to survive on this the hell hole of a planet.

You want them-no..you need them to be by your side every. single. step of the way or else..you'll collapse and may not ever be able to get back up.

Well, I have. Yet, he doesn't seem to notice. He doesn't notice the change of behavior.

The tear stains.

The bags hanging low underneath these pale blue eyes of mine.

The heartache im feeling knowing that I have been replaced.

Replaced and forgotten.

(^creds to an amazing one shot book i read, forgot the name of the author tho :(

He doesn't seem to care.

But its okay. I'll be gone soon anyway.

As long as he's happy, im happy. Now I won't lie, I have considered permanently leaving this place..but then i realized, I couldn't put that pain on my friends, family, and fans. I just didn't have the heart to place my suffering and agony on someone else's shoulders.

So, I'll just keep to myself I guess.

Its not like he'll notice anyway..

Much sadder than i intended it to be....whoops.

All On My Own //Solby// (Revised/Rewritten)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ