| Chapter 5 |

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Hiro grumbled under his breath when he felt the sunlight filtering through the curtains caressing his face. His mind was slowly waking up and his body felt weak. He buried himself deeper into the covers, hoping the sun would decide it would take a day off and let the stars appear again.

Just when he was about to doze back to sleep, someone knocked on the door, making Hiro to grumble again. The knocking was persistent until Hiro said to whoever it was at the door to come in. He pushed the cover away as he slowly sat up, his eyes blinking from the sleepiness.

He felt slightly dizzy as well. He licked his dry lips and grimaced at how bland his mouth felt. The door opened and Hiro glanced at Fred, who walked in with a grin on his face. "Hey, buddy," he said as he leaned against the doorframe. Hiro just watched him blankly for a minute before he looked around him.

Ah, yes, he remembered now. He was in Fred's room. Well, guest room. "How are you not having the worst hangover ever right now?" Hiro mumbled as he yawned, stretching his hands. Fred chuckled before he shrugged.

"I don't know," he said. "Usually I don't get hangovers. I mean, I do, but they're tolerable."

"Lucky," Hiro said before he rubbed the back of his neck. "What time is it?"

Fred hummed as he glanced at his wrist watch. "It's almost nine."

"Ah," Hiro said for a second before he rubbed his face. He hadn't forgotten why he had decided to sleep in Fred's room. The image had been burned in his head like a stamp, and despite he didn't know what he was feeling exactly, he knew it was bitter. Hiro had pondered about these new feelings for Tadashi the whole night. He couldn't find it in himself to admit it—admit that Tadashi was somehow getting to him.

He needed a wakeup call and yesterday was just that, to remind him that none of this was real. Besides, Tadashi hadn't even been that nice to him. Why were his feelings becoming confusing without a reason for him? How could Tadashi be so careless anyway?

Going out in public with Honey? That wasn't the part of the plan. Their job was to fix this non-existent relationship so that they both could get over this as quickly as possible. "Dude," Fred caught his attention as he dropped his hands to his sides and glanced at his friend. "Do you want to stay for breakfast or get back to your lover boy?"

Oh yeah, Fred didn't know about this arrangement. Hiro licked his lips as he weighed the pros and cons of staying here longer than necessary. Even though the hotel was a safe place to be from prying eyes and cameras, it still didn't mean Hiro should be wandering around carelessly—unlike a certain someone. He snorted before he grinned at his friend. "Nah, I better get back."

Fred grinned as well. "'Kay," he said before he opened his mouth for a moment, somehow contemplating something. Hiro watched him struggle for words before he settled with, "Just talk to him, okay? Misunderstandings are easier solved when two people talk it out. Trust me, I know."

"Do you?" Hiro said with humour.

"Sure," Fred said with a shrug but Hiro didn't miss the seriousness in his words. He nodded at Fred after a minute before he pushed himself out of bed.

"I'm just gonna borrow your bathroom and then I'll be off."

"Hey, stop by sometimes, yeah?" Fred said as Hiro rolled his eyes.

"I'm busy, man," Hiro said though he didn't mean it. Fred's chuckle proved that he understood what he meant as he sauntered to the bathroom and closed the door.


Hiro waved goodbye to Fred as he walked away from his room, heading to the elevator. He switched on his smartphone, waiting for it to light up. Hiro had switched it off immediately after he left the bar. He wasn't in the mood to entertain any calls or messages from anybody. Once the screen lighted up and the lock screen appeared, almost forty missed calls filled the screen.

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