| Chapter 9 |

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It didn't take long for the world to wonder why Hiro had left the industry, moved back to a place they had no idea existed and started to work his way back to the top, in a different field, something so completely different from what he was used to. The news started printing about their speculations, some were so off mark and some—hit too close to home.

The first week after Hiro had settled in San Fransokyo, the media couldn't stop reporting about the reason why Hiro left Hollywood and most of them speculated around the 'break-up' with Tadashi. Hiro had to smile to himself sometimes, bitterly, at the thought that they did break, in some parts, just not like how they were speculating.

The agency he worked for kept a tight lid to where he had 'disappeared' to. Hiro knew he let most of his fans down, most of the people who had brought him to where he stood now but he couldn't find it in himself to care. He felt so worn out that the minute he was crossing the familiar bridge he hadn't seen for so long, everything that he thought he could outrun came back crashing into him like a tsunami.

The memories of the past painted itself as he passed the familiar streets, passing by the familiar stores, the places he used to visit when he was a child—he felt horribly nostalgic. Halfway, he had a hard time remembering why the hell he left this place. He knew he was still hurting and he could probably be hurting forever because he didn't think he would get over his parents' deaths. But he couldn't recall the exact reason as to why he left this place.

It had been a month since he left, and the paparazzi were still out looking for him, even though he made sure he kept his profile low. The old neighbourhood welcomed him with warm smiles and gifts, and they didn't seem overwhelmed with his appearance. They treated him like he was just this kid they had known since he was young, this kid that tragically lost his parents when he was young.

And Hiro—he liked this normalcy. He sighed as he jogged down the stairs, heading to the kitchen where his aunt was making coffee. "Good morning, Aunt Cass," Hiro greeted her as he kissed her cheeks before he leaned against the counter.

"Morning, Hiro," she said with a warm smile. His aunt looked vibrant ever since they moved back to San Fransokyo. She was happier, he noted, her smiles always wide and bright. The cafe was an instant hit once they finished renovating and opened it. The customers enjoyed her pies mostly and her coffee.

Hiro was glad that she was achieving her own dreams. "What are you going to do today?" Cass asked as she handed him a mug of coffee. Hiro took it with an appreciative smile and sipped on the coffee.

"Well," he said with a tentative shrug. He watched her closely before he said, "I'm thinking of checking out the lab."

She stopped dead in her tracks, staring at Hiro as her eyes widened. "Really?" she asked. "Hiro, are you sure?"

Hiro shrugged again, feeling numb suddenly at the prospect at going back to the lab. "Yeah," he said resolutely at the end. "I have to do it some time, so why not now? It's been a few years already. I think I can do it."

"If you think so," she said slowly. "Before you go to the lab, don't forget to visit them, okay?"

Hiro's smile dulled at the edges. He nodded solemnly as he closed his eyes, trying to block out this short pain in his chest. His parents were inventors. Maybe not as famous as they should have been, but they made the world a better place for Hiro anyway. It made the ex-actor feel grateful that he was brought up in an environment where there was science.

But he couldn't bear to think anything remotely close to that when his parents died. He didn't want to expand his knowledge in science even if he did have a gift for it. But now that he was back, now that he had left all of that behind him, he was going to start fresh, starting with the lab his parents owned.

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