Part 11

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~K'ilana pov~
My sisters and I decided we should probably get off of the floor, because everyone in the mall was staring and recording us. We walked to the car holding our mom's hand. What happened, why did you leave, K'Yanie bombarded mom with questions?" Slow down, K'Alany said." Trey drove us back to his house, I walked up to him and gave him a long passionate kiss. I'm sorry our day got cut short I'll make it up to you. 😉 ewww, Ar'mon and K'Yanie said." I flipped them off and gave Trey another long passionate kiss. I walked away twisting my hips to make him frustrated, I heard him grunt and I laughed at him.  Bye Ar'mon I yelled at him." Bye lil girl his ugly self said." I winked at Trey before I left.
~Trey pov~
I was dropping K'Ilana off at my house, when she walked up to me giving a long kiss. I'm sorry our day got cut short I'll make it up to you. Ewww, Ar'mon and K'Yanie said." K'Ilana flipped them off and gave me another kiss. She walked away making sure she twisted her hips to mess with me. I grunted and she laughed. She yelled bye to Ar'mon and she winked at me before she left. Man I love that girl. I walked in the house and I took a quick shower. I put on on some basketball shorts and a white tee, and I walked down seeing everyone in the living room. (Queen, Clarence, Jazz, Ar'mon, tae, Airi, Josh, vontae, and Emily) They were playing Drown on the TV, everybody was dancing, I just sat on the couch missing my baby.
~K'Ilana's pov~
I drove K'Yanie's car to my house. We all sat down in the living room, I decided to ask the first question. Why did you leave us? Well, when y'all were thirteen I left because I had a drug problem, and I knew I couldn't be around you because I wouldn't have been a good influence. Then K'Alany asked, how did it start?" Well, it started a few years after you guys were born, I fell into a deep depression and I made your father do all the parenting. I would leave and come back three days later strung out on any type of drug I could find. I left you when you were young and not to long after that your father left you. K'Yanie then jumped in, how long have you been back to normal?" I've been back for the last four years, mom said." Four fucking years and you didn't think to come find your damn kids that you abandon at the age of thirteen, I said as I jumped out of my seat yelling to her." We haven't seen you in eight years and we just happened to see you in the mall. If we didn't go to the mall today we wouldn't have ever seen you again." "K'ILANA TORIAUNA MARIE KNIGHT, I AM YOUR MOTHER YOU DO GET NOT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT." OH so now you wanna act like your my mother, where was you when I went to jail at the age of fifteen. "MOM" I threw my hands up and laughed, I walked to my room and slammed the door." I changed into some sweatpants and a sports bra and I went to sleep.
~K'Yanie's pov~
You don't get to talk to us like we're your daughters after you left us at the age thirteen, take your shit and get the hell out of my house. I said as I tried so hard not to blow up on her dusty ass." She walked out the door as slow as ever I almost kicked her ass out the door. Bye bitch, K'Alany yelled as she walked into her room." I went into K'Ilana's room to check on her, she was knocked out but her phone was ringing. It was Trey he wanted to FaceTime her. Hey bae, Trey said as I answered." Sorry to disappoint but I'm not your bae I'm your sister. Oh hey, where's my girlfriend,Trey asked?" She's right here, I pointed the camera towards a sleeping K'Ilana. Yeah she has had and awful evening, I told him truthfully." What happened. Our bitch of a mother happened." But anyways I'll tell K'I to call you when she wakes up. If she doesn't call back it's because she is still sleep." Ight by sis, he said." By bro. I hung the phone up and went to my bedroom

 I hung the phone up and went to my bedroom

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