Chapter 39

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"Star, are you almost ready yet?!" Andy called up the stair well making Star jump a little.

She was in her bedroom getting ready. "Yeah, I'll be down in a minute!" she called back down to him.

Andy chuckled shaking his head side to side slightly. He went and sat back on the couch to watch some TV while he waited for Star to finish.

"Okay, I'm ready!" Star yelled down to him a couple minutes later.

Andy jumped up from the couch, and fixed his shirt and tie. He held hos hands neatly behind his back, and produced a warm smile waiting for her to come down the stairs.

She got to the staircase and took a deep breath. Then proceeded to walk down. She got to the last step, and turned into the living room.

Andy saw her and his smile got wider. She wore a beautiful long dark green dress that made her eyes pop. She was absolutely stunning.

"You look absolutely beautiful," Andy was able to say after a while of speechlessness.

Star smiled softly. "Thanks and you don't look to bad yourself," she giggled.

Andy chuckled and took hold of her hand. "You ready to go?" he asked smiling cheerfully down at her.

Star giggled and nodded, and they went on their way.

You Were There All Along *Book 3 to Second Chances*Where stories live. Discover now