Chapter 42

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They were looking through the menu, and Andy looked up at Star. She felt his eyes on her , and looked up at him blushing.

"You found anything?" she said trying to break the ackward tension.

Andy shrugged and shook his head," Nope not yet, you?"

Star shook her head slightly and bit her lip," Nope, not yet..."

Andy looked back to his menu, and moved nervously in his seat. Star noticed this and looked up. "You okay," she asked worriedly.

He looked up and made an awkward face." Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he replied nodding his head blushing slightly.

She gave him a nervous smile, and looked back down at her menu.

"Do you wanna order a piece of red velvet cheesecakes and share?" she asked. Star knew Andy liked it a lot.

"Sounds good to me," he replied smiling at her.

Lucy came back and took their order. Then left them alone once again. Andy still looked nervous and uneasy. Star was afraid it was her. She thought she had done something wrong, but could not figure out what.

She and Andy sat waiting for their desert. Neither of them making a sound. Then Andy broke the silence clearing his throat," Um... Star... I....I need to... to do something..."

She looked at him confused. He took a deep breathe, and Star could tell he was very nervous about something. "Andy... what's wrong?"

He gave her a nervous smile, and shook his head slightly. "No Star, there's nothing wrong," he said. "I... I've just never... done this before..." Andy should up and got down on one knee in front of Star. He took hold of her hand, and looked at her with hope, joy, happiness, and, of course, nervousness in his eyes.

Star covered her mouth with her other hand, and looked at him with tear filled eyes. "Andy...." she choked as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Shhh," he shook his head putting a figure over his lips, and continued," Star... I've never felt this way about anyone... ever. I know that we've only known each other for about half a year, but... I feel like I've known you for a life time." He took another deep breathe, and took out from his pocket the little box he had been fitling with the whole night then looked back up at her. He gave her a nervous smile. "Star," he said opening the box exposing a beautiful diamond ring with a gold band," I love you. You have my heart. Will you do me the honor of keeping it?"

Tears rolled down Star's face. "Andy..." she gasped.

He smiled at her and whipped away the tears from her cheeks. He took the ring out of the box and held it up. " Star... will you marry me?" he asked.

Star burst out in tears shaking her head. She covered her mouth so her cries would be muffled.

Andy saw her shacking her head. He lost his smile and looked down at the ring with nothing but heartbreak and saddness in his eyes.

"Andy, yes!" Star gasped uncovering her mouth.

He looked back up at her with hopeful eyes that he had heard her right.

"Yes Andy, yes!" Star laughed whipping the tears of joy, happiness, and surprise out of her eyes.

Andy's smile quickly returned to his face, and he hugged her tight.

"Yes," Star cried in his shoulder. Andy kissed her passionately. He cupped her face in his hands, and smiled at her with tears in his eyes. "I love you, Star," he said.

She kissed him softly and smiled," I love you too, Andy."

You Were There All Along *Book 3 to Second Chances*Where stories live. Discover now